Author's Note

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Vengeful Creations
was named one of the Honorable
Mentions for ONC 2021!!


I had the most difficult time choosing an idea for the 2021 ONC. So, I decided not to choose one idea. I chose multiple old/forgotten/discontinued/back-burnered ideas and spun them together.

For the overall premise of this story, I'm using prompt #32:
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."
-- Edgar Allan Poe

In addition, and with the blessing of the ONC ambassadors to change the word "finished" to "discontinued," my secondary prompt is #16:

The story is finished. The end! Now everyone can go home. By that, there's a world where all the characters live, and guess what? You, dear creator, have stumbled upon it. Now, what's your tale?

*The story is rated Mature for language.

**Please read the blurb.

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Special note ~ it is not necessary to have read any of my past works to enjoy or understand this story, but for those of you who have, you will be seeing some familiar faces.

Special, special note ~ there are Shakespearean characters in this book. Their spoken dialogue will be phrased accordingly.

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Dedicated to Noelle, Michele, & Josie.

You've known since the beginning the monster that is my imagination, yet you've remained steadfast.


© Notice:
Vengeful Creations is my original creation and is published exclusively on Wattpad. If you are reading this novella on any other platform, it has been posted without my knowledge or consent.


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