We met up at the Smoothie Shop, where Iris was sipping a mango-pineapple Fruit Wonder. 

"What is it?" Iris said impatiently. Her hair was everywhere, and Nathaniel was trying to smooth it in places. 

I spread the map on the coffee table. 

"This." I replied, as I pointed to the map of Ephedia. Carissa looked confused. 

"What's the big deal?" she snapped. Talia sighed. 

"Look. Ephedia used to be called Pink. That's what he called you." I noted, as I pointed to Iris. Iris' eyes widened in realization. 

"Your's was called White." I told Dawn, who then gripped Chandler's shoulder in shock.

I did the same for Auriana, Carissa, and Lyna. They all looked surprised. Lev and Nathaniel looked at each other as if they had been excluded. 

"What about us?" he asked.

"I've been thinking about that." Dawn interrupted. 

"Yes?" Nathaniel pressed. 

"After it introduces the Royals, it says Human, then Ephedian. You are an Ephedian, and you are a human." she pointed to Lev, then Nathaniel. 

They nodded and did a high-five. Iris rolled her eyes and whispered to Dawn, 

"Now they're best friends. I think I liked it better when they were love rivals." 

Dawn giggled, and bumped Chandler with her elbow. 

"Ow!" he complained, but Iris and Dawn were too busy chattering. 

"Guys!" I yelled, exasperated. People peered at me from behind their menus, or just plain stared and glared at me. I sheepishly waved a hand and apologized. 

Suddenly, a man flickered. Literally. I stared at him, and he repeatedly did the same action, over and over. He barely blinked. Iris tapped me on the shoulder. 

"What are you looking at, Tals?" she asked, then I pointed in the direction of the man. SHe watched  the man with the same intent that I did, and suddenly he stopped, as if he had been possessed. 

"Pink, Blue, Orange, Whites, Purple, Green. Human, Ephedian. Daughter of Ephedia now fallen, the jewel you hold close will be stolen. Ephedia needs it's bravest warriors. Someone is gone from the batches of creatures. Believers, barriers. Crystals, rocks. Forget all you know. Darkest knight will be your foe. West then East flies the crow." he sputtered, getting smoothie all over the table. 

Dawn gasped in shock. Another woman came up to us, and rasped in the same voice. 

"Home is fading away. No more belief. Must get you to Stay. Too much power for just one of you. Separate now, or he'll come after you." 

Chandler was unusually quiet. 

"Could you repeat?" Nathaniel raised a hand. We all turned to glare at him. Auriana suddenly squeaked, and tapped Nathaniel's shoulder. 

The woman dissipated into a flurry of pink sparkles, the signature color of the Queen. 

Iris was left, pale and shocked. Nathaniel tried to splash some water on her, but she turned them all into crystals. 

Nathaniel complained, "That was totally unfair." 

Iris giggled. 

"What do you think it meant?" Lyna asked. 

"I don't know." I confessed. 

Carissa snorted. 

"Well, that's a shock." 

That was the last straw. 

"Fine, do you have anything?" I retorted. She was silent. 

"Talia, Carissa, please!" Auriana pleaded, flipping her red hair once or twice. Carissa huffed and tossed her bronze hair over her shoulder. 

"Well, I think I understand one part of it," Dawn confessed, as she sheepishly raised her hand. 

"What?" Lev pressed. She glared at him, but he was too busy playing with a paper napkin. She sighed. 

"It- er, she said that we need to seperate. It said that we are too powerful together." 

"You're right, but we were planning to go to Ephedia. Lyna can ony sustain her ring for a limited amount of time." Carissa countered. 

"Once we get through, we should separate." 

"But we're more vulnerable on our own!" Auriana complained. 

"Then we'll defy the rules of the prophecy. Never try to counter them, or they always come true. Either way." Nathaniel shrugged. 

Chandler shrugged his shoulders, and nodded, agreeing with Nathaniel. 

"Alright, then it's decided. We'll stay together." Lyna announced, sticking her spoon into her strawberry-chocolate ice cream sundae.

We all stood up, waved goodbye, and went our separate ways. 

Then I let out a scream. 


Lolirock: Balance -Third of the Lolirock SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now