Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Power Source Like That

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Willow hoped she'd be able to throw out an excuse about schoolwork and go home right after the fight with Scorpion. Especially since Eric had gone back into work, and Summer had said something about picking up Raveena.

But this Malcolm guy had caused quite a stir. And despite Willow's busy schedule, she found herself sticking around, wanting to catch every bit of information Summer shared about him.

"Maybe we should try finding that USB of his," Sam suggested. "The stuff he stole from SCI could be useful. He said he didn't have it on him, but he must have hidden it somewhere in the area, right?"

Willow folded her arms. "I already have data from SCI."

"But he's got the unencrypted stuff," Summer pointed out. "And data from their online servers."

Willow's eyes narrowed. How had Malcolm gotten the password for those? It didn't matter. If she could just get through the encryptions...

"I wanna know where his powers came from," Sam said. "He seemed pretty proud of the fact that he's not 'like us.'" He made quotes in the air with his fingers.

"Huh, maybe he's an alien," Adam said.

Summer laughed. "You really are Eric's brother."

"Probably some run-of-the-mill lab experiment," Veronica said. "Or accident, even if he wants to act like he's somehow better than us. But whatever the hell he is, he's dangerous."

A car entered an intersection down the street and turned toward them. Willow's blood ran cold as it sped by. It was the Director's car.

She turned and watched it take a left into a hardware store parking lot.

"Willow?" Adam asked.

"I have to go," she said. "I'll—" She met Adam's gaze and faltered for a heartbeat. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Oh, okay. See ya!"

Willow walked to the parking lot, throwing occasional glances over her shoulder to make sure the others weren't watching. None of them noticed her slip into the maze of cars.

The driver's window rolled down as Willow approached. "How are things going with the USB I gave you?" she asked, her heart racing.

Afternoon light glinted off the Director's sunglasses as he leaned forward to hold out the USB. Willow took it. It wasn't the same one she'd taken to SCI—she'd only handed Scorpion some of what she'd stolen. Enough to make them trust her while still keeping a few secrets to herself.

"We were able to access everything. Thank you," the Director said. "Once we have you working in our real lab, we can show you the details of how we got through their protections."

And with that information, she could get into the rest of the files herself. "Sounds great."

"I want you to take a look at SCI's latest readings from the fragment. Call me when you're done and let me know what you think."

"Will do." Willow slid the USB into her pocket.

The Director glanced toward the street, in the direction Willow had come from. "Those your friends back there?"

He had to know who they were. Sam and Summer, at least, since they'd rescued Eric. "I wouldn't call them my friends," Willow said. "I'm just...keeping an eye on them."

The Director nodded, apparently satisfied with her answer.

After leaving the parking lot, Willow jogged home, eager to get into the USB. The Director must have already had his team use the readings to calculate when the energy field was likely to collapse. He probably wanted to test her, see if she could figure it out, too.

The Pyramid Chronicles: Tyche Point (#1) [MOVING JUNE 30]Where stories live. Discover now