Delirious PDA: warning are entering a ecological dead zone. Adding report to data bank

Delirious: dead zone

Delirious looks in front and saw that what looks to be the edge of the biome all dark and voided. Delirious looks down but can't see anything down the bottom of the area.

Delirious: what the hell

Delirious open his pda and called vanoss.

Vanoss: yo

Delirious: huh evan i think i found the edge of the biome

Vanoss: what do you mean

Delirious: i mean the biome ends at the edge leading to nothingness

Vanoss: oh ok well did you find anything

Delirious: oh right i did found something you guys are ganna like it

Vanoss: really well then lets sed what it is

(Distance screeching)

Delirious heard a loud screening noise but it sound big.

Delirious: what the hell was that

Vanoss: what

Delirious: i think i need help

Vanoss: ok ill send someone

Delirious: ok

Vanoss: ok just look for a place to hide

Delirious hung up and was looking for a place to hide. Delirious looks around to see where the noise came from. Until he saw a blue glow from a distance of him. It looks to move like a snake or an eel but couldn't tell because of how far it was from him. But from the looks from it was swimming towards him so delirious decided to hide quickly.

Delirious saw a hole in the rock so that's where he will hide. Delirious hid in the hole and waited for one of his friends to come. He then looks out of hole and saw it again but this time it was closer. The glow turned out to be a large eel like creature with a hammerhead and seven eyes. Its body was transparent almost impossible to see it expect for its blue glow. It has three fins on its side and another from its left side. As it was swimming it was leaving some trail behind like a ghost cloud.

Delirious was in shock of this creature and judging by its size it was another leviathan different from the reaper leviathan they encounter. The leviathan looks to be swimming about looking for something to eat which hopefully delirious isn't one of them. Delirious keeps quiet as to not alert the leviathan his position. Until delirious pda started calling so he answers is quickly.

Delirious: hello

Basically: del its me im on my way to you

Delirious: no no no not now

Basically: not now what do you mean and why are you whispering

Delirious: because of something big is in my area

Basically: wait what

Delirious: yes so turn back

Basically: no way ill help you

Delirious: how

Basically: im in a seamoth equip with toxic torpedoes

Delirious: i don't know if that's gonna work

Basically: only one way to find out

With that delirious hung up as he waited for basically to come. While that happens basically was in a seamoth as he arrived at the area delirious is at. He doesn't see him but what he does see was a giant eel leviathan glowing all over its body. He then shut the seamoths light as to hide from it. He then calls delirious to see where he is at.

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