Chapter Twenty-Nine: In the Shadows

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When the others picked Raveena up from the motel, she was eager to get back to the golf course and relax for a while.

But first, she had to answer their questions.

"How'd it go?" Summer asked as Raveena climbed in.

"Good. Malcolm didn't try anything." Raveena buckled her seatbelt. "Turns out the Newmans don't just have a van, they have an RV, too."

"An RV?" Veronica repeated from the backseat.

Summer pulled out of the parking spot. "Good for them."

"Yeah. It's pretty gutted. Not exactly comfortable to live in anymore," Raveena said. "They use it to store lab equipment, but since it's still functional, it should work as a temporary cell for Malcolm."

"What if he breaks out?" Sam asked.

"I don't think he can. We secured it pretty well."

"He has powers," Veronica pointed out.

"Ah, I'm not worried," Summer said. "He can put people to sleep. How would he use that to break out of an RV?"

Veronica looked out the window. "I guess."

Summer threw a glance at Raveena. "And you're sure you're okay to keep staying at the golf course?" she asked. "I feel kinda bad just dropping you off by yourself."

"It's fine. I'm used to it," Raveena assured her. Before anyone could respond to that, she changed the subject. "So, where'd you guys run off to? It sounds like everything worked out okay."

"Oh, yeah, Scorpion just tried kidnapping a girl," Summer said casually. "But we stopped them."

"We still don't know what happened to that other guy they caught, though," Sam said.

Raveena traced the edge of the window with a finger. "And you guys think it'd be too hard to break into Scorpion and find him?"

"It's too risky," Veronica said quickly, as if she were afraid someone else might open up to the idea.

"Hopefully Willow will get into their cameras soon," Summer said, her tone still light. "And we can use that to come up with a plan."

"What did you and Sam see while you were there?" Raveena asked Summer. "I know you mentioned it's underground."

Summer nodded. "We were in the dark most of the time, and it's a bit of a maze. We wouldn't have been able to navigate without Sam."

"I don't know how much space they're taking up, but it's definitely more than the area under the arcade," Sam added. "They moved into the basements of the neighboring buildings, too."

The car rolled to a stop. They'd reached Magic Golf Adventure Land. Raveena opened her door and stepped out onto the sidewalk.

"Let us know if you need anything!" Summer called after her.

"Uh, I don't have a phone," Raveena reminded her.

"Oh, right," Summer said. "Well, we'll be back tomorrow. Probably."

The car sped off, and Raveena headed around the building to the back door. She took her time walking through the deserted building to the spot on the golf course where she'd set up her bedding.

Scorpion was so close. Claudia was so close, along with all the altered. And there was nothing Raveena could do. She couldn't train with the others, and even together, they couldn't take on Scorpion.

But this was a rare opportunity. Scorpion wasn't at their headquarters. They didn't have their entire army of soldiers. Now, while they were hiding out in some abandoned basement, their security was at its weakest

The Pyramid Chronicles: Tyche Point (#1) [MOVING JUNE 30]Where stories live. Discover now