“Can you start the soup, love? Make it the way Beda does with the warming herbs. I think I have the special ones she sent in the cupboard.” She gave him a chaste kiss and he nodded.

“I could never make it as good as Beda, but I can try.” Johnson's voice held deep notes of an old Norse warrior that lent an almost rustic vibe to the atmosphere of the room. He stood and flipped his braid back over his shoulder before heading into the dark kitchen, lighting a few more candles along the way.

A watched pot never boils. It took what felt like ages for tea to finally arrive, but when it did, Bai Yusheng graciously accepted both cups and began the difficult task of trying to extract themselves enough to give Saalah his drink. 

“Come, drink. Spiced tea is always good for times like these. It will warm you up.” Bai Yusheng chuckled at his groan, but Saalah took the cup, his hands shaking with the cold. Bai Yusheng watched carefully, pleased to see him finally doing something other than burrowing as he had been for hours. They brought up their own cup and sipped, humming at the flavor and the warmth it brought to their bones. They saw some color in Saalah’s cheeks and brushed a hand over them, feeling the slight heat in them. “Do you feel a little better?” 

“A little,” he replied, drawing them back again. They tucked close and drew the blankets up once more. This time, Saalah settled his chin on Bai Yusheng's shoulder and took a glance around the gathered company. Xiu Ying and Li Jun whispered amongst themselves, a telling blush on both their cheeks. It was refreshing to see the sneaky way they held hands, like grade schoolers afraid to be caught. He wondered how they would feel if they knew that Bai Yusheng, their revered Shizun, not only knew of their feelings but went so far as to pair them together for every task in the hopes that they would eventually confess to one another. He was sure they would melt into the ground at the thought.

Serinity had taken off to help in the kitchen, one could hear the soft sound of low voices and utensils being moved around and the occasional giggle if they listened closely. The front door opened again, and all present turned to watch as Lada came inside, setting her coat aside and making her way straight to the kitchen. Kisho came behind her and shucked his cloak as well before making his way to the gathered crowd. “Saalah, are you okay?” He asked, coming over to sit in the chair closest to the lump on the ground. 

“Yeah, I’m fine. Mom made tea if you want some.” His head nodded towards the teapot sitting on the coffee table that had been pushed aside earlier. 

“I think I’ll have some later. But, I know something that may cheer everyone up!” He smiled brightly, already beginning to stand back up. 

“Kisho, I swear if it has to do with the piano…the cold will make it sound weird and out of tune. Just get some blankets and warm up. You just got inside,” Saalah chastised, and Bai Yusheng couldn’t help but chuckle at how overprotective he sounded. Kisho, however, pretended he didn’t hear his brother and made his way to the grand piano anyway. He sat down and began playing some warm up melodies, soft and light. The White Rose Tavern had never sat so quiet before. There had been a chill not just to the air but to the very atmosphere around them. When the music began to liven up as Kisho chose to play some holiday tunes, everything began to fall back in place. 

Saalah didn’t speak of his old home much. It didn’t feel like much of a home to him. But the White Rose Tavern, with its imposing towers and peaks, its gilded halls and lavish furnishings always gave him a sense of comfort. This place was one that Serinity had put so much effort into, not just in its construction, but in the way she cared for each person inside it. It felt as if the chill in the air had lessened, and he smiled, pressing a kiss to Bai Yusheng’s neck and closing his eyes as he let the music lift his sour mood. 

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