You gave a slight nod of understanding before laying down and turning away from him. Hoodie huffed and walked away, leaving the room and locking the door behind him. You were a bit surprised that he hadn't tied you back up, but you were definitely thankful. Sleep was a lot easier obtained when your wrists weren't tied together behind your back. Unfortunately, not all was well though. The room was unusually cold, and your black shorts did little to combat the temperature. You pulled your knees to your chest with a shiver and pulled the hoodie over your legs. This was common practice when you had an oversized shirt and were cold. If it was loose enough, it could double as a blanket. You were still cold, but it was better than nothing.

You stared at the wall with a frown. Now how were you going to do this? Escaping was easier said than done, especially in a mansion full of serial killers. Well, you could try and find a window without bars on them and jump out, though if it was high up you'd probably break a few bones. Or you could run away whenever Hoodie momentarily lets go of your arm, but he'd probably tackle you, and then you'd get punished again. You shuddered at the thought, you never wanted that situation to repeat itself. And Hoodie could definitely outrun you. Your chances of actually getting away were extremely slim, aggravatingly so. You really couldn't catch a break, could you? There was no simple way out of this. You'd have to outsmart Hoodie, and he wasn't exactly known for being impulsive rather than logical. More importantly, you needed to make sure that you outsmarted him so well that there was no way he'd catch you. Leaving any holes in your plan was a risk you could not take, you needed to be cautious or else you'd be caught.

Okay. So, you have two weeks. What can you do in two weeks to escape? Not much.

There was one thing you could try though. Use the strategy many kidnapping survivors had used. Gain his trust. If you could get him to somewhat drop his guard, maybe you could pull something. But if you couldn't outrun him, what could you do? Maybe if you injured him...

The drawer.

You quickly sat up and looked to his bedside table where he had previously gotten rope from. There was a good chance he had some weapons in there. You listened carefully for any footsteps, and once you heard none you quickly crawled over to the piece of furniture. It had a lock on the outside which could only be opened with a key. You grumbled in annoyance, yet decided to try it anyway. To your surprise, he hadn't locked it and it opened with ease.

Peering inside, it seems you were right, or at least somewhat. Inside sat more rope and a couple boxes of bullets. Based on this you could assume that at night he stored his gun in here and locked it. Before you could look any further, the floorboards outside the door creaked. You gasped and hurriedly shut the drawer before scrambling away.

As soon as you threw your back against the wall, the door pushed open, and in walked Hoodie. You stared at him nervously, you don't think you've ever looked more suspicious than now. Out of breath and cowering against the wall with a facial expression that could tell anyone that you had done something you weren't supposed to.

Hoodie said nothing and only crossed his arms, his usual pose of disappointment. He tilted his head to the side as you looked away, frozen and scared under his gaze.

"What were you doing?"

You shrugged in response, wrapping your arms around yourself protectively.

"Answer me." He growled.

You slowly looked up at him with a frown, "...I wasn't doing anything."

His glare grew angrier at your words, "Tell the truth."

"I was just looking around..." You muttered.


"Just around the room...?"

Hoodie huffed and looked around the room for anything out of place. Since you hadn't moved anything, he decided to take your answer. He uncrossed his arms and walked over to his closet where he pulled out a pair of black sweatpants, socks, and a light gray T-shirt. He cast you one more glance before leaving the room once again.

As the door shut you slapped a hand over your heart and let out a breath, "Damn..." you whispered. That was way closer than you were comfortable with. How did he walk so quietly? The only reason you even heard him was because of a creaky floorboard. That's the best stealth you've ever seen. Like holy shit, and he's not a small guy either.

After a few minutes, Hoodie returned, though he no longer wore what he was named after. You looked up at him silently and your eyes immediately widened. You had known that he had a decent amount of muscle, but now that his arms were revealed, damn. The gray shirt was form-fitting, yet loose enough to be comfortable. Looking up, you were even more surprised.

His mask was off. Was this a good sign? Maybe. This either meant he was sure you couldn't get away, or he somewhat trusted you. As much as you wanted it to not be true, you were sure it was the former. You studied his face, still a bit shocked. He had short light brown hair accompanied by brown eyes with dark eye bags laying beneath them. His face shape resembled a rectangle with a bit of stubble and his mouth was turned into an unimpressed frown.

"What?" He grumbled a bit, laying his mask on his bedside table and attempting to sneakily shove his gun into the drawer before locking it. You knew what he was hiding though, you already knew the 'secrets' of the drawer, now you just had to hope that he'd leave it unlocked one of these days.

"Nothing... I just didn't expect to see your face." You replied, moving your eyes away from him in order to not cause suspicion.

He narrowed his eyes yet nodded. Hoodie switched off the light before crawling into his bed. You hadn't noticed it before, but the sky had grown rather dark. You sighed and laid back down, facing the wall with a blank expression.

You needed your plan to work, but it all depends on if you could get a weapon or not. Without a weapon to slow Hoodie down, you didn't have a chance. But you had to find a way, everyone was in this situation because of you, and now you needed to get them out.

Big chapterrrr >:D

BΣƬЯΛY ΛПD DΣGЯΛDΣ (Various! Creepypasta x F! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now