"Huh, well if it was going to be anyone it was going to be noctus."

"if that's the case, than how did you manage to make it out."

There was a pause as Adam thought about it for a moment, "We split up shortly after you went missing. We were looking for both you and Noctus, Maverick and Ramirez went off in one direction and Sunny and I in the other. I was taking a look at something when the guards came for her. It wasn't a fair fight or they wouldn't have managed to capture her. They used tranquilizer darts and by the time I came back to help her there were too many and they were already loading her up."

Thomas nodded, "And now she's fighting-"

"Hazad, I know I saw."

"Who is Hazad?"

"Ironically Sunny's schoolgirl crush, though he turned out to be a total D bag later on. That being beside the point though. As far as me managing to make it past the guards, the only thing I can think is that my UNSC DNA record was taken before the adapted incident and not after, and we know that it changed my sequence just a little." He adjusted the chair on his shoulders, "Krill and Katie have been doing an analysis and it looks like my DNA sequence changes minutely when I come into close contact with people, or at least it can, so there is that as well."

Thomas raised an eyebrow, "And have you come into close.... Intimate.... Contact with anyone recently?"

Adam went quiet, and from where he stood he could see the back of his brother's neck flush red. He grinned rather evilly as Adam began stuttering.

"I hardly think now is the time to talk about that."

"On the contrary, it is always the perfect time to make fun of you."

"Is not."

"Is to."

"Is not."

Adam made a face at him.

Thomas grinned, "You win you're uglier."

"Wow really, really clever, did you come up with that one on your own." The sarcasm was thick with this one, considering that no he hadn't. They had gotten it from their dad who had gotten it from his dad who had gotten it from his dad and so on and so forth down the centuries.

"But seriously have you and Sunny... you know...."

"No I don't know."

He was enjoying seeing how red he could make his brother. He wondered if he could get enough blood into his head to actually rupture something. With the pulsing vein on his neck, he thought he might be getting close.

"You know what I-"



"SHHHHHH-" Thomas quieted down as Adam paused, holding up a hand. For a moment he thought Adam was just trying to get him to shut up, but there were some voices at the other end of the hallway.

There was more cheering and shouting echoing in the distance.

There was a pause as the two of them listened.

"Let me out of this cage and let's see if you have as smart a mouth."

That was Maverick all right.

"Yeah, let her out of the cage, and let me watch while she kicked your ass." Ramirez was saying .

Adam pulled his hood back over his head and then nodded for Thomas to get moving. The two of them walked silently up the hall and into the large circular hallway which had cells arranged down along one side.

Empyrean Iris Story Collection Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now