Dragon Lover - Part 1 - Smaug x Reader

Start from the beginning

"My horizons are broad enough thank you. And if I was going to dress up, it would be as an elf, so there." (Y/n) replied. Ignoring Chloe as she rolled her eyes at the idea of her friend walking around with pointy ears and a long white wig.

"And anyway, can you think of a better way to spend an evening, than being with a company of dwarves, and a hobbit? I mean it's not like the Durin's aren't easy on the eyes. And like you say. I certainly wouldn't kick Bard out of bed." (Y/n) giggled, as she paused the movie on a part where the screen was filled with an image of the bowman.

"Boy. Do we have to find you a boyfriend, (Y/n)! You do know, no matter how many times you watch this movie, that dragon is always gonna die, don't you? Bard is always gonna get him with the Black Arrow, and he is always going to plummet into the water. There is nothing you can do about it. Anyway, I'm off to bed. Some of us have work to do tomorrow." Chloe replied, as she got to her feet. Hoping that she could encourage her friend do the same, instead of doing what she would normally do, and follow up The Desolation of Smaug with the Battle of the Five Armies.

"I will have you know that I do have some work to do tomorrow. But that is the benefit of being a freelance writer. You have lots of down time to do things you love. And one of the things that I love, are these movies. Now bugger off. Like I said, I have a dragon that is about to burn down a town. Then, if I can keep my eyes open, I am going to watch five army's clash. And try and not to cry when three dwarves die." (Y/n) replied. Throwing the pillow at her friend's back as she walked away. Chloe shaking her head as she realised that (Y/n) had no intention of going to bed, until a certain little hobbit returned to Bag End and began to write 'There and Back Again'.

"Ok, Smaug. Let's see you do your worst." (Y/n) chuckled as she hit play. The golden red dragon breathing fire, as he mocked and sneered at Bard and Bain. The great beast turning Lake Town to ash.

Sitting back on the sofa. (Y/n) brought the blanket around her shoulders. Doing her best to keep her eyes open, so that she was able to see the movie through to its conclusion. To see that despite the beast death, Thorin would still falls under the influence of the dragon sickness.

"Come on (Y/n). Only a few more hours, then we can go to bed." (Y/n) told herself as she tried to hold back a yawn. Her head resting on the pillow behind her.

"Come on.................." (Y/n) repeated. Her voice drifting off, as her eyes began to close. A feeling of desperately needing to sleep taking over her, as she heard the last roars of the fatally wounded dragon, before everything went black.


(Y/n) moved. Groaning as she tried to turn over. The last thing she could remember was closing her eyes as she sat on the sofa in the lounge. Hearing Smaug roar as the Black Arrow found its target. But what she couldn't remember was the sofa ever being this cold or uncomfortable.

With another movement, small hard object began to fall over her head. (Y/n) sitting bolt upright. Her eyes flying open as she looked around to see if Chloe was playing some strange prank on her. But instead of the usual lounge room. Instead of the usual sofa, and her blanket. The usual smell of coffee and toast as Chloe prepared for work. (Y/n) was greeted by an image that she had only ever seen in her mind. An image that she had only seen thanks to CGI. Surrounding her was a vast expanse. A huge room filled to bursting with gold and jewels. With gemstones, silver, and pearls. A trove of unimaginable wealth.

(Y/n) rubbed her eyes, hoping that she was still dreaming. Hoping that at any moment she would wake up and find herself in her own bed. Yet every time she tried to snap herself from her dream, the image that surrounded her stayed. The glint of gold making it quite obvious that she wasn't in Kansas anymore, Toto.

Slowly trying to get to her feet, (Y/n) found herself slipping further down the mountain of gold. The coins making any attempt to stop herself from sliding, impossible.

"Ok, (Y/n). Get a grip. You must be hallucinating or something. Maybe its just lack of sleep. Maybe I haven't been eating properly." (Y/n) tried to reason, as she came to a stop on a surface that didn't feel as though it was going to fall away from under her.

"Maybe Chloe was right. Maybe I have watched this movie too many times." (Y/n) continued, as she looked around. Not knowing what to think as the vast hall of gold seemed to disappear into the distance.

"Right. This has to be a dream. And if it is a dream, I suppose that I may as well try and enjoy it until I wake up. Its not everyday a girl gets to see Erebor. Maybe I'm just in time to meet a hobbit." (Y/n) chuckled, deciding that if this was some kind of lucid dream, then she must be perfectly safe.

Getting to her feet she looked for a path. Something that would lead her to other parts of the Lonely Mountain. But as she did, (Y/n) failed to notice a huge eye that had opened. A huge eye that was looking straight at her. 

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