(A/N): Your clothes.

(Y/N): It's not like they can punish me for not wearing school uniform.

Deku: It's not just that... Every girl is staring at you.

Me: They are staring at me, not you. So why you're the one that nervous instead of me?

Deku: You don't feel nervous?

Me: Nope, not at all.

We then continue walking.

Boy1: Is that the guy that take down a villain ten months ago with just one attack?

Boy2: Yeah, I think so.

Boy3: I heard that guy master all martial arts.

Boy4: He is his school's representative to the nation for martial art.

Deku:*look around* You're quite popular. Moreover among girls.

Me: It's rare to find someone with natural white hair.

Deku: You want to say that your hair is the charmer?

Me: Watch out.

Suddenly Deku stumble on his step and about to fall but suddenly his body start to float. I look beside Deku and see a girl with brown hair.


The girl chuckle and touch Deku's hand. Deku land on the ground with his feet.

Girl: Sorry for going crazy with my quirk there. I just think it'd have benn bad omen if you tripped, you know. I'm so nervous, bet you are too!

Me: Nope, not at all.

The girl look at me and her eyes gone wide.

Girl: You're (Y/N), right?!

Me: Yeah, why?

Girl: Oh my god! I can't believe you'll join the entrance exam too!

Me: Everyone have right to join the exam.

I said to her and start to walk away from the girl and Deku.

Deku POV

Me: (Y/N) is quite popular.

Girl: Of course he is! He take down a villain with just one attack! He is also No. 1 in the world ranking for martial arts!

Me: I don't know about that!

Girl: But from what I can see, (Y/N) didn't care even a little about his own achievements.

She said while watching (Y/N) who is walking into the facility.

Me: I know him for a long time now. He's too humble. And also introvert.

Girl: You guys know each other?!

Me: He's my childhood friend. But he's rarely play with me when we still a kid. And we also rarely talk.

Black and White Hero (My Hero Academia X Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now