Chapter Thirty-Two: Counting Down

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This was turning into one of the longest mornings of Willow's life.

After Eric ran into her and Adam in the hallway and explained the plan to steal the fragment before Scorpion could, she was left to spend her first few classes agonizing over what to do.

At lunch, she sat with Adam and the others, listening to them discuss their plans while she weighed her options. To make matters more complicated, they hadn't even decided what to do with the fragment if they got their hands on it.

"The Newmans will know how to handle it," Veronica said. "They're probably the best option."

"But they'll try to stop us from breaking in if we tell them," Eric replied.

Summer shrugged as she cracked open an energy drink. "If we don't tell them until after we have the fragment, it's not like they'd be able to stop us." After a moment's thought, she added, "Plus, that might prove to them we have what it takes to help them fight Scorpion."

"Are we even sure we can trust them, though?" Adam asked.

Eric glanced at his brother. "They're the only people who haven't tried to kidnap us."

"Maybe they're just the only ones who are smart enough to lie about it."

"I trust them," Sam said.

Willow stared at the uneaten bagel in front of her. Would it be better to just let these kids fail? They had no idea how to remove the fragment and no idea what would happen if they did. If they couldn't figure it out, they'd be forced to give up and leave, right? Maybe she didn't have to do anything.

Her phone rang, shaking her from her thoughts. "Sorry," she said as she rose to her feet. "I have to take this."

She hurried to the cafeteria doors, stepped into the hallway, and threw one last glance at the others before answering. "Hello?"

"Willow," the Director answered. "Good news. We're ready to move in and take the fragment. We'll have it by tomorrow morning."

Willow threw another glance at the table. Adam caught her eye and waved. She forced a quick smile before turning around.

"I know," Willow told him. "And they know. Eric Ackerman and all his friends. They're going to the lab this afternoon to try and get the fragment first."

"Do they know how?"

"No. They don't know anything about the energy field, except that it exists," Willow said. "I doubt they'll succeed."

"There's a chance they could find the alterium SCI has onsite and figure out what they need to do." The Director thought for a moment. "It's fine. We can send our forces in early."

"And what do you want me to do?" Willow asked.

"Can I trust you to make sure the fragment winds up in Scorpion's hands?"

Willow couldn't let him sense the slightest hesitation. "Yes."

"Good. If we're successful, and you're ready, you can come with us to our lab. We can get you familiar with our projects."

Leave Tyche Point? Today?

Willow lifted her chin. "Great. And one last thing. Do you have any plans to deal with the town?"

"I'm working on a few ideas," the Director said. "But it's not exactly one of Scorpion's priorities, I'm afraid. Did you have something in mind?"

"I do, actually."

The Pyramid Chronicles: Tyche Point (#1) [MOVING JUNE 30]Where stories live. Discover now