𝗂𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗇𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝗆𝖾𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝖻𝖾

Start from the beginning

Tommy: right, so wanna tell me what you were doing?
Techno: not really
Phil: we aren't doing anything tommy
Dream: Tommy I'm your friend! You wouldn't want to keep your friend all locked up in prison would you? That's not something friends do
Tommy: well I suppose but-
Dream: there's nothing to it tommy!

Dream started doing his usual manipulation tactics to convince Tommy that nothing was happening. Tommy saw ranboo walk through the portal and gave him the go ahead nod. Ranboo knew exactly what Tommy was doing, well not everything exactly

Tommy: you're right dream! Everybody on the smp hates me! I should've never locked you away
Techno: exactly dude
Tommy: you were right this whole time dream!
Dream: I was!
Phil: see Tommy? Techno, dream and I are your friends! No one else is your friend

Soon most of the smp walked through the nether portal and Tommy slightly smiled

Tommy: of course you guys are my only frAHAHAA

Tommy started to uncontrollably laugh which caused techno, Phil and dream to be very confused

Tommy: I'm sorry! I can't keep this up, oh god
Dream: keep what up?
Tommy: well firstly hi everyone! Glad you could join us
Phil: what?

Techno, dream and Phil got out of their seats and turned around to see multiple people in full armour with weapons out

Tommy: you really thought that after a whole YEAR of dream being in prison that things wouldn't change? Do you still think I'm old Tommy?
Techno: maybe-
Tommy: the old Tommy died a long time ago. I'm not just going to sit here and be manipulated by you guys! Have you ever just like EVER thought about the fact that the person who you are manipulating, is in fact manipulating you?
Dream: that's impossible!
Tommy: surprise surprise dream!
Phil: you're bluffing, you haven't done shit Tommy
Tommy: hey Phil, ever wonder why ranboo all of a sudden stopped talking to you two?
Techno: what!
Tommy: dream ever wonder why George and sapnap never came to visit you?
Dream: you bitch
Tommy: welcome to my game
Phil: why Tommy?
Tommy: oh cut the actual fucking bullshit Phil. You haven't done shit for me! All you do is cause me pain
Techno: you're my brother Tommy!
Phil: you're my son!
Tommy: correction. I'm puffy's son and tubbos brother
Phil: what?
Puffy: I adopted them because you were a shitty father

Phil started charging towards puffy but he was blocked by Tommy and tubbo pointing their swords up at him

Tubbo: away from our mother
Tommy: now

Phil backed away and tubbo retreated back to the group. Tommy walked back a little and got closer to the lava

Dream: Tommy step away from the lava
Tommy: what like I'm gonna listen to you?
Dream: it's not worth it tommy
Tommy: don't tell me that you actually care about me dream! Do you hear this guy? "It's not worth it tommy" PAHAHA oh dream YOURE funny
Phil: tommy cmon son
Techno: tommy please step away
Tommy: you know what I've realised dream?
Dream: what?
Tommy: the only actual reason you have fun on this server is because well of me! Everyone's done with your games, am I correct everyone?

The whole group murmured a series of "yes"

Tommy: so they only way you have power over people on this server is because of my fucking discs
Dream: that's not true
Tommy: without me, you won't fun in this server! Your power goes poof!
Dream: no that isn't true
Tommy: okay okay dream. Kill me right now. I don't have any totems, go ahead

Tommy spread his arms wide open and stepped closer to dream. Dream, techno and Phil stayed quiet looking at the ground not being able to say or do anything

Tommy: that's what I thought. So dream, your reign of power ends here
Phil: tommy-
Tommy: hey Phil you must remember what Will said when he blew up lmanberg
Phil: yes but
Tommy: so everyone here, good luck with the awesome lives ahead of you
Ranboo: tommy! Tommy no this was NOT part of the plan

Ranboo pushed past people to get to Tommy but he just smiled at all of them. With one last look at tubbos face, puffys face, sams face, ranboos face and everyone who he loved. He put his hand up into a salute and said the haunting six words

"It was never meant to be"

Tommyinnit tried to swim in lava

𝟏𝟏𝟗𝟎 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬

please vote and comment on chapters!! It motivates me a lot to keep going :))

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