"I know you miss him. We all do." I paused and swallowed a lump in my throat as I felt my eyes start to prickle. "It's going to be hard to get over this but I know you can do it. Where's the Maddy I know? The Maddy who could get through anything."

Maddy pulled away and looked me directly in the eyes. A soft and grateful smile lit her face as she took a deep breath and wiped the tears. She walked over to get a paper an blow her nose.

I turned away and wiped the tears that were starting to fall. Running a hand through my hair I sighed, thinking about what I told Maddy. I meant every word. She could get over this difficult time.

"Thanks I guess I really needed that." Maddy took another deep breath and closed her eyes. "We should probably go back."

I nodded my head and followed Maddy into the other room. Some of Ty's aunts and uncles were by the casket. My heart hurt as I thought of his lifeless body looking up at me.

I quickly spotted Ty's cousin, Riley. She quickly spotted us and walked over.

"Hey guys. Sorry we have to see each other in these.." she looked over to the casket. ".. hard times." Her arms were folded, tightly holding on to each other.

"Hi Riley." Maddy gave Riley a quick hug, kissing each other on the cheek. "How was the flight from Florida?"

"It was fine, I guess". Riley shrugged, giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek too. "Still a big change from the warm weather to this cold weather."

"Emily." I turned to see my mom calling me over. I walked over to her, her tear streaked face matching Ty's dad. I hugged my mom, and gave Ty's dad a tighter hug. He smiled sadly turning to look at the casket.

"David, where's Janis?" I asked. He pointed to Janis talking with one of Ty's aunts. I nodded and decided it was time.

Here I go.

The last time I'll be seeing Tyler Prescott.

I took two steps forward when someone grabbed my forearm, holding me back. Oh thank goodness. I wasn't ready yet.

I turned and hugged Hunter tightly. I muttered thank you over and over again, my heart beat going over a mile a minute.

"Woah, what's wrong?" Hunter asked, playing with the tips of my hair.

"I'm so glad you came back." I took a deep breath and kissed his cheek. "I wasn't ready to go, especially by myself."

"I'm here for you." His arms around me tightened, and strangely helped me calm down more. "I was just talking to my mom and Maddy's parents."

I nodded and looked over at the casket.

At Ty.

Running my hand through my hair, I left Hunters warm embrace. I walked over to Tyler, knowing Hunter was there for me. I shot my mom a shaky smile and she squeezed my hand.

My mom is always going to be there for me too. Always.

Finally reaching the casket, I peered inside go see Tyler laying inside peacefully.

Oh Ty. This all seems like a bad dream. It feels like I'll wake up and you'll be there with Maddy, teasing each other. You look like you'll wake up any moment now. God, this is so hard. I tightened my fist, digging my nails into my palm. My heart clenched and ached as I saw my best friend lying in a coffin.

His once tan skin, was now pale even with the make up placed on him. He had a bruise that was slightly covered by make up, but could still be seen. It covered the left side of his forehead, on the outskirts of his hairline. Tyler had some faint cuts and other light bruises but none as bad as the one on his forehead.

I would never see that bright smile of his. I'll never see his curious and mischievous green eyes again. Hear his cheerful and yet annoying laugh, that I couldn't help but love and miss. He would no longer run his hand through his hair, tap his foot or drum his fingers when bored, annoyed or impatient. I would miss having him there and somehow always knowing when something was wrong, and pigging out with me, stuffing ourselves with junk food. I would miss how his nose would always get red when he cried or how his cheeks and the back of his neck would tint to red when embarrassed.

I let out a big breath and wiped my tears away. I bit my lip and dropped my shoulders, reaching forward to caress his cheek. I pushed a strand of his hair away from his eyes, and to the side.

"I'm going to miss you so much, but I have Hunter, his mom and my mom to help me get over this." I rolled my lips into my mouth as my eyes watered and the tears fell over. "I promise, I swear I will help Maddy as much as I can, I'll make sure she's happy like I know you would've wanted. I promise."

I closed my eyes, letting my tears fall down freely.

I love you Tyler and wherever you are, I just want you to know that.


Hey guys, so so sorry I updated a week late. I'll try to update again this week. So this was actually very emotional for me. I hope you guys like it. A final goodbye for Tyler Prescott.

Chapter dedicated to Foreverafter21

Don't forget to





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