Part 5 - Making a Mess of Things

Start from the beginning

"Wait, did you say your mother was turned into a vampire?"

Oh, yes. Totally forget she didn't know about vampires or werewolves.

"Umm, yeah, Damon was there when she crashed the car and helped deliver me. His blood was in her system and while vampire blood usually heals, if in the system when a human dies, they can go into transition to becoming a vampire." I never knew how hard this was, explaining our secrets to people. I wasn't going about it the right way and I was just making her move confused. "Look, I'm not good at explaining things. I'll go over the basics and then you can ask any questions you want and I'll go into detail, okay?"

"Right, okay..." Jenna hesitated as if she didn't really want to know but wanted to at the same time. "Did you say that Damon was a ..." she trailed off at the look I gave her and shut up, ready to listen to my explanation.

"Basics then. Witches are real and they tend to live in covens as it makes them stronger in a sense. We all practice different magic styles, some practice spirit magic, some traditional magic, or they practice ancestral magic. I'm not like those witches. Over the centuries, my family started to call us mages. My bloodline is kinda complex and I'm not the best person to explain it to you. Umm, my magic is inside of me, like in my soul. We can enhance our magic through the elements, I showed you some of that earlier, but any sort of magic class can help enhance my magic." Jenna gave me a little nod, gesturing me to go on. "We also rely on our blood to help us with our magic. I can explain all that later, but it helps us cast stronger spells."

"So, you're sorta the strongest witch alive?" I snorted and shook my head. If my grandmother heard that she'd drop dead on the spot. Taking Jenna to see her was sounding like a good idea.

"Not really. I've got a lot of learning to do. I still struggling with my powers sometimes, usually when I'm stressed or under pressure." I didn't feel bad about lying to her, but I didn't want to reveal all about my magic to her. "You should have seen me trying to show Elena my magic when I met her." And I knew I said something wrong when Jenna narrowed her eyes at me.

"Elena knows?"

"Umm, well, you see she's sort of a doppelganger ..."

"What the hell is a doppelganger?"

"Right, let me finish my basic explanation." I rubbed the temples of my head and closed my eyes. How could this be so hard? Rolling my eyes as I looked at Jenna, I summoned a notebook and pen, setting it on the table between us. "Right, witches are real." I wrote witches on the paper and circled it. "Vampires and werewolves are real." I jotted them down to and circled them. "These three are the most 'common' supernatural creatures you'll come across. And then we have a whole subclass of supernatural that aren't as 'common', such as a doppelganger, which is what Elena is."

"And that is?"

"Don't worry, Jenna, she doesn't have any powers or abilities. She's an exact look-alike of an ancestor in her family. If you have them together it would be like looking at identical twins." I think it would be wise not to mention Katherine to her at this point.

"Do I know any vampires?"

And here is where it became so much harder. I had promised I was going to tell her the truth and I meant it, but if we went any further than she could never go back.

"Damon and Stefan are vampires and have been since 1864. Damon turned my mother into a vampire, though you haven't met her." Seeing the look on her face, I leaned over the table and took her hand. "She was dying and he gave her his blood to save her, though the internal injuries were worse than he thought and she died. He gave her a choice, whether to die or live and become a vampire. She chose to become a vampire so she could be my mother."

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