The Forbidden Woods

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Hyunjin´s Pov
As I walked out the castle looking around seeing the moon I put my hoodie on and walked across the bridge and saw Lee and Chan and ChangBin I nodded as we all continued to walk on the hill that was so high you could our whole town. I then walked seeing all the guys waiting as Lee spoke
Lee: ¨Speak.¨ He said firmly as one of the wolfs spoke up
Guy 1: ¨My sister was wondering around in the foggy woods or as you might call it The Forbidden Woods  our girls has been missing everytime they go there i think its the other side taking them¨ He said as I nodded
Hyunjin: ¨okay so a warning from all make sure that no one goes over there if they do tell me or lee or those two¨ I said as the guy nodded as we all left and walked back, The thought of that really made me more nervous for Yeji. The boys went home as i went in Yeji Room looking at her sneaking out the window
Hyunjin: ¨get back in here¨ i said as she groaned and came back in and looked at me
Yeji: ¨your no fun you know that¨ she said as she sat down

Hyunjin: ¨where was you going¨ I asked as i leaned on the door looking at her as she sighed and rolled her eyes Yeji: ¨Me and my friends were gonna mess with the other side hehe¨ She said which made me upsetHyunjin: ¨Yeji listen to me and listen t...

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Hyunjin: ¨where was you going¨ I asked as i leaned on the door looking at her as she sighed and rolled her eyes
Yeji: ¨Me and my friends were gonna mess with the other side hehe¨ She said which made me upset
Hyunjin: ¨Yeji listen to me and listen to me well you are not the go over there ever and i mean ever. understand¨
Yeji: ¨ what thats not-¨ but before she could finish I growled at her as my eyes turned red as she whimpered and whined looking down
Yeji: ¨o-okay..I wont go over there anymore¨ She said as my eyes changed back and I walked out and went back to my room and sleeped
School day
I got dressed for school and said bye to my mom and dad and went to school as we all went in a girl came to me as lee was bout to move her i held him back
Hyunjin: ¨hmm?¨ I asked as she looked down as I noticted she was in pain
Girl 1: ¨Its my sister she went out one night and now..s-shes missing¨ she cried as chan comfort her me and lee and chang look at each other and nodded
Chang: ¨dont worry well find her¨ he said as she nodded and bowed as later on we went to class and I saw one of yeji friends and went to her

Ryujin: ¨well if it isn´t the all mighty kin- oh prince sorry¨ She said as i rolled my eyes and looked at herHyunjin: ¨stay away from the woods understand i dont got time for my sister tryna fight for you if you go missing got it?¨ I said as she n...

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Ryujin: ¨well if it isn´t the all mighty kin- oh prince sorry¨ She said as i rolled my eyes and looked at her
Hyunjin: ¨stay away from the woods understand i dont got time for my sister tryna fight for you if you go missing got it?¨ I said as she nodded.

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