chapter 1:new friend

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As you opened your eyes you leaned up yawning, once you got up and took your meds you started the shower once you were done you quickly got dressed your pink hair tied back, once you got dressed in a yellow hoodie and black acid-washed jeans you slipped on your thigh high socks and black and white vans that had a rose on the side, 

once you had walked out of your dorm you smelt a large amount of Cologne come from the dorm next to you, you sighed walking to your class once you go into your class you sat in the far back a girl with blonde hair and a blue sweater obviously too large for her she smiled at you "I'm rose" she said as you shook hands but you still kept quite your shoes on the chair you where sitting on.

 as the professor walked in you started playing with the strings on your bracelet "hello students I'm your professors substitute today she out sick I'm Mrs soot" she said writing her name on the borde "okay today we will be learning about the greek tragedy of Orpheus" she said as you loudly groaned "is there something you wanna add miss, Mr or Mx Y/L" she asked as she pointed directly to you her acrylic nail sharply pointed at you

 "it just a dumb story guy falls for a girl who hard to get and gets her with his personality and when she was bitten by a snake she dies and he goes to hades and Persephone and sings a song to them about how much he loves uradciye and when hades grant him the wish of getting her back they make their way back up but uradicays steps are quite so he turns around and he loses her again," you said annoyed at the story rose looked at you with a shocked expression "that's the exact story, Y/L," Mrs soot said with a smile and continued teaching the lesson you didn't pay much attention to it noticing how small rose was how pretty she is and how she can answer almost all the questions you admired it ass the class ended 

you quickly got up her standing up and grabbed your hand "yes?" you asked and looked confused "your really pretty" rose said as she put something in your hand and walked off you looked at what she put in your hand and saw it was her number you put it into your phone and went on with your day once you got home you flopped into bed and sighed heavily as you got dressed for bed and then laid in bed putting your headphones in as you blasted your favorite singer CORPSE HUSBANDS song agoraphobic.

 as you listened you drew in your sketch pad humming along to the toon and rapping the rapping part, you continued drawing then fell asleep. When you woke up you looked at the time being late running into class when you did you sat in the same spot rose by you, as the day went on she kept being around you more, one night when you were chilling in discord with one of your best friend Ethan you got a friend request from rose you smiled and accepted it, then when on to talk about how much you liked her to Ethan.

A rose with a bloody thorn, Reader X OCWhere stories live. Discover now