Y/n gave her a thumbs up making her smile. 

Tsuyu: "That might be not bad."


It was now lunch time as Y/n and the others were sitting while eating their lunch. They were congratulating Momo on becoming the class representative.

Momo: "Thanks you guys."

Kevin: "Thank Y/n for that. He planned it from the start."

Y/n: "I just know that she will do a good job."

Momo: Really? Aww thank you."

Y/n was about to eat a spoon full of rice when Momo suddenly hugged him making him blush.

Y/n: "U-Uh Momo?"

Momo: "You're the best."

Mina: "You guys look cute together."

Momo then blushed as she let go of Y/n and continued eating lunch.

Gwen: "You said you got an upgrade, what kind of upgrade?"

Y/n: "Okay I'll tell you guys. I just found out that some of my aliens can evolve."

Everyone: "What?!"

Y/n: "That's what my reaction when I found out too."

Midoriya: "Can you show us?"

Y/n: "I guess I can."

He dialed Big Chill on his Omnitrix and transformed getting the attention of the students inside the cafeteria.

Big Chill: "Now time to go ultimate."

He twisted the Omnitrix to the left before pressing it as green light appeared around his body changing the aliens appearance. His skin is recolored red, his wings and antennae have a flame design, and he had crests over his eyes with the same design.

 His skin is recolored red, his wings and antennae have a flame design, and he had crests over his eyes with the same design

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Everyone was in awe to see Y/n's alien evolved and became cool looking.

ULT Big Chill: "Cool huh?"

Uraraka: "Wow."

Jiro: "Now that looks awesome."

The alarm then went off startling the students while they heard a voice through the speaker.

Alarm: "There has been a Level 3 breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly."

ULT Big Chill: "Level 3?"

Kevin: "I don't know what that is but we should better go."

They then saw the students pushing each other making them struggle to go through the hallway. ULT Big Chill grabbed on to Momo, Gwen and Kevin.

Iida: "Hey Y/n, can you please get me to that exit sign over there and Yaoyorozu, can you make me a megaphone."

Momo: "Sure."

Momo created a megaphone and gave it to Iida. Kevin grabbed hold of Iida and threw him towards the exit sign and started to calm the crowd. Momo then saw the reporters outside getting escorted out by the teachers.

Iida: "Everyone, everything is fine!"

Everyone: "Huh?"

Momo created another megaphone and helped Iida calm them down.

Momo: "it's just the media! There is nothing to panic about."

Iida: "Everything is fine! This is UA. Let us act in a way befitting the best of the best."

The crowd then calmed down and one by one went out of the hall way and into their rooms. Y/n set down the others and reverted back to normal. After the hall trespassing incident, everyone was now back inside their class as Midoriya was standing in front of everyone with Momo.

Midoriya: "N-Now let us begin on the other class officers but first, can I say something? I think that Tenya Iida should be the deputy class rep after all! He was able to get everyone's attention in such a cool way. I think it would be best for Iida to do it."

Kaminari: "I'm good with that too."

Kirishima: "Midoriya is saying it, and it's true that Iida was being a big help at the cafeteria today with our class rep also assisting."

Kaminari: "Yeah and he's kind of looked like the person on the emergency exit signs, didn't he?"

Aizawa: "You're wasting time. I don't care what you do just hurry up and do it."

Iida: "If the deputy class rep has nominated me then it cannot be helped. From this day forth, I Tenya Iida promise to do my best to carry out the duties of deputy class rep."

Momo: "Me too, I'll do my best to be the best class rep."


It was now the end of class as Momo was in Y/n's home to stay for the night. Ryuku was out for her hero work and that only leaves Y/n with his grandfather.

Y/n: "Hey grandpa, what are we having tonight?"

Max: "Well of course it's Momo's favorite."

Momo: "Really, thank you Max."

Max: "You're welcome kid."

Momo: "Uncle Carl hasn't come back yet?"

Y/n: "Mom said he'll be here before my birthday."

Momo: "Right, it's almost your birthday. Same celebration?"

Y/n: "Maybe but I thought of something new for this one."

Momo: "Whatever you say."

Max: "Dinner's ready kids."

Y/n: "Be there in a sec grandpa."

Momo: "What do you think tomorrow's going to be?"

Y/n: "I don't know but I hope it's exciting."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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