And it was that exact outfit that Miyeon dressed in the next morning; a dark beige skirt and tights of course, a dark brown shirt and a fluffy cardigan over it. She had smal heels on her feet, and her bag was big enough to hold everything she needed, as well as a foldable rain coat just in case and an umbrella.

She wanted to be prepared, but it seemed the weather had graced her with good luck. Because as she made her way to the agreed meeting place, the winter sun shone down on her.

Of course, like many other of the first few dates, it began awkwardly. But they soon fell into their usual rhythm as they walked to where Hyunwoo had decided was worth showing her.

"It's not much." He shrugged as they seemed to be coming nearer. "And call me overdramatic, but it might just be my favourite place on earth. But I haven't been a lot of places, so there isn't much of a competition for the spot."

"Even if you are being overdramatic, if it holds such a sentiment as your favourite spot, then I'm looking forward to seeing it." Miyeon had replied. Then they had arrived and hell - the Hwang girl was sure that it was her favourite place as well.

Hyunwoo wasn't lying when he said it wasn't much - but what was there was like a hidden treasure trove. It seemed to be a combination of a book, music and general clutter shop. Bookshelves lined the walls, a display of record players, vinyls upon vinyls and what seemed to excite Miyeon the mosts - several cats.

It was a cosy shop, and Hyunwoo explained that it was run by a family that his mom knew, and he had been going there since he was younger. It was where he got all his books from, and he liked cats, which only added to the enticing quality.

And if there wasn't life outside of the shop, Miyeon could quite happily have lived her days out in the shop. But after what seemed like a relaxing forever of sitting besides each other on one of the small sofas tucked into the corner, books in hands with knees brushing and every so often sparking quiet conversation, they both seemed to realise just how hungry they were.

Barely even fifteen minutes later, after Miyeon had bought the book she was reading and said goodbye to as many cats as she could, Hyunwoo was directing them both to a café nearby. "I'll get your order for you, there's a table by the window." Hyunwoo began, starting for the counter before pausing and turning back to her. "I am, of course, assuming that you still like that strawberry drink?"

"Strawberry and matcha latte, yes." Miyeon confirmed, a smile creeping onto her face as she made her way to the table, settling down in it. He remembered her drink - it wasn't necessarily hard to, considering how much he had teased her about it - but just the thought of it made her feel tingly inside.

As she waited, she couldn't help but let her focus drift away from the sight outside of the window, a snippet of a pair of girls' not too far away catching her attention. "No they're from Move Entertainment - they just debuted. Nobody was expecting them to debut with a song like that though." One of them said, a sort of exasperation in her tone.

Curiosity had been so often what killed the cat, and in Miyeon's case, it was a much more painful death than she expected. The girl had barely finished telling her friends about the group before Miyeon had pulled out her phone, a few quick taps directing her to where she needed to be.

And when the video began to play, she very almost dropped her phone. Almost instantly, her jaw dropped and tears filled her eyes, a shaking hand raising to cover her mouth. It was Seyeon's song. Seyeon and Leo's song.

This was why Heekyung had called her. She had called her because she had found out about the song - and if neither her or Seojun had given any information on Leo, and they clearly wouldn't have contacted Seyeon's family. God this stupid entertainment company just wouldn't stop fucking them over, would they?

"Miyeon?" Hyunwoo's voice filled her ears as he slipped into the seat opposite her. "What is it? Did something happen whilst I-" He cut himself off, seeing her gaze fixated on her phone. He carefully extracted it, eyes landing on the screen. "Oh.." He trailed off, reading the company name and clearly recognising it.

"Seyeon's song. They've stolen Seyeon's song. That's his and Leo's song, why are they singing it?" Miyeon breathed out, question upon question leaving her lips and apology filled her eyes as she turned to him. "I have.. I have to call people - Seojun.. Suho. They should know, if they don't already."

"No, I completely understand." Hyunwoo sat back, watching with caution in his eyes as Miyeon began trying to call the two. He wasn't compeltely unsure what to do in the situation, but it was clear that it was a big deal. That Seyeon's death wasn't just what the media showed it to be.

"Fuck." The girl's hands were shaking as she pressed on the contact another time. "He's not picking up - why the hell are they not picking up. Suho isn't either... they always pick up, why aren't they picking up?"

"Miyeon - Miyeon." Hyunwoo leaned forward, pulling the phone out of her grasp and resting it on the table, enclosing the trembling hands in his own. "It'll be fine, they're probably just-"

But he was cut off once more, not by himself but by the vibration of the Hwang girl's phone, the screen flashing as a contact appeared. Almost instantly, Miyeon reached for it, a frown crossing her features.

"Gowoon? You wouldn't happen to know where Seo..." But the name died in her throat and in just a few moments, a panic rising in her akin to that which had come with hearing of the news about Seyeon. Shaking even worse than before, her voice thick with emotion, Miyeon looked back towards her date. "I'm sorry to cut our date short.." She sniffed, swallowed the stickiness that had risen in her throat. "But somethings.. happened.. and I really have to go."

"Of course." Hyunwoo watched as she stood up, pulling her bag onto her shoulder. "If there's anything I can do to help, call me, okay?"

"You're far too nice to me." Miyeon wiped at her eyes, not caring about the makeup smudging there. "I promise I'll make it up to you."

But without anything else to say, Miyeon rushed out of the café, Hyunwoo's gaze watching as she hurriedly hailed a taxi, lucky to get one so quickly and drove away.

He had no idea what was going on, but the utter horror that had filled Miyeon's eyes almost scared him. She seemed so terrified of what she was being told, and Hyunwoo couldn't help her with that.

He didn't know how. And he didn't know how the walls of Miyeon's once stable world was threatening to implode on themselves.

 And he didn't know how the walls of Miyeon's once stable world was threatening to implode on themselves

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