I nodded and I felt a little dumb for not checking there in the first place, " yeah you're right," I said to him, " I'll check it out later,"

He nodded and we walked in silence to our English class. I've never felt so awkward before in my life.

I was walking a little faster than usual so we'd get there quickly. I was hoping he wouldn't think that I was purposely walking faster to avoid him.

We walked into our class and I quickly walked to my seat in the back corner. The seat next to me was empty, a few were around the class since we had less students in here.

Mattia sat in his usual seat which was around the front, with his other friends.

I felt so relieved, and I let out a huge deep breath. It's as if I couldn't breath around him properly, and I'm not surprised why. I'm so used to watching him from afar, so use to not talking to him or him even looking in my direction. But now he's everywhere and I'm not use to this sudden attention I'm getting from him.

Our teacher walked in with a mug of coffee in her hand. She sat down in her seat and looked at all of us, " I've decided to make a new seating plan, and switch around a few seats," she said standing back up, and everyone let out a groan.

My anxiety started to build up again. I hope she doesn't move me from my seat from the back, I like it too much here.

She started pointing at people, moving them around and her gaze landed on me.

" Celeste..." she started looking around and I mentally screamed because I didn't want to move at all, " actually you can stay there sweetie,"

Relief hit me again, and I don't think my emotions have ever been this wild in school.

" mattia, move to the back," she said to him, " err...in the seat next to Celestes,"

Just kill me already.

Just put me in a car and push me off a cliff.

Honestly that sounds good right about now.

He stood up, and unlike most people he didn't seem too gutted about moving seats.

He sat down in the one next to mine, he smiled at me and gave me a small wave. I smiled and waved back.

The urge to repeatedly hit my head on this desk was so strong right now, but I kept it together.


Before my last lesson I quickly headed to the lost and found room. The whole room was covered in thick dust and it was honestly a hazard for any asthmatic person.

I saw a stack of books on a shelf and I sighed happily when I saw my plain black book.

I picked it up, feeling somewhat at ease that i had it back.

I walked out of the room, whilst simultaneously trying to tuck my book back into my bag.

I accidentally bumped into someone, and turned to see Mattia.



" sorry," I said quickly, feeling a little flustered with how close he was to me.

" it's ok," he said smiling. His gaze moved down to my diary in my hand, " so you found what you were looking for?" He asked.

I looked back at the book and quickly shoved it into my bag, " yeah,"

He nodded and someone called out his name. We both turned to the sound and saw Jasmine approaching us.

" babe come one we've got history together," she said to him.

He nodded at her and they both walked off down the other end of the corridor.

I quickly scurried to my next and last class of the day.

I was glad I didn't have to tutor him today because I think I've had enough encounters with him. Anymore and I'm pretty sure my head would explode.


I heard that it's good to smile at yourself in the mirror, because it tricks your brain into thinking your happy when it sees you physically look happy. Imma test this shit out lmao

Perfectly imperfect |Mattia Polibio|Where stories live. Discover now