"So Nick" Alex asked as he sat in the raven-haired man's apartment. Nick looked up from his notebook which sat on the coffee table in front. Alex gripped his guitar as he continued to speak, trying to not sound pushy. "Do you actually have a thing for Karl?"

Nick sighed deeply, looking down at his hands which rested just above his guitar strings. He played with a few of the threads before speaking up. He slowly turned to his friend.

"Yeah" his voice was weak and shy, never had anyone seen him this way. Alex smiled a small and soft smile, he placed his guitar down and his free hand onto his friend's shoulder.

"That's nothing to be ashamed of Nick"

"It is!" He remarked, "Sorry... It's just... Karl trusts me and I'm betraying that trust by crushing on him. I've barely known him a month for fucks sake!"

"Pandas! Stop it! You're going to drive yourself up the wall" Alex said in an attempt to shut him up, The black-haired boy looked at his friend with scepticism. "Listen to me. You're not in the wrong! Okay? Feelings are perfectly normal, no matter how long or how little you've known each other. You never know, he may feel the same someday"

"Doubt it"

"Nick," Alex warned. The drummer's mouth formed a straight line as he shut himself up. "Maybe don't say anything for a while then, try to find out which team he bats for and go from there. Then you'll know if you have a chance or not."

"Yeah" Nick sighed into his hands as he leaned on his knees "Yeah, that's probably best"

With those final words, the pair got back to work trying to finish Nick's song. Alex thought it had real potential for future performances or even if they made it, a recording. They didn't have much written, barely four lines. The melody was written, the words were just the hardest part. The bandana-wearing male didn't have a muse.

And all I am is a man
I want the world in my hands
I hate the beach
But I stand in California with my toes in the sand

He needs more...



Learning these songs wasn't as hard as the boy had thought. He caught on pretty quickly and had smashed through learning the basic melodies and symphonies of each, he had to admit; he couldn't wait to perform Where are the askers.

But his favourite was a softer song, it required mainly Karl and Nick to work together. Apparently, this is a personal song for Nick, so he was given the task to sing it because Clay didn't want to take it away from him. Though Alex and George sang back up for the young man, Clay would take up the drums and sing from there. He didn't need to do much because it was a soft tune, but Karl wanted this song to be perfect.

He would find himself working on the melody longer than the others, strumming along as he whispered the lyrics to himself. The brunette had practised with Clay before, he made sure to record the blonde's drumming so he would have it as a guide.

I can feel it on my tongue
Brick and Mortar as thick as scripture
Drawing lines in the sand and laying
Borders as tall as towers
I babble on until my voice is gone

Karl thought the melody was cute, he loved it. He knew he wanted it to be his best.


"How are we going, Karl?" Alex asked his friend. It was just the two of them, Nick was running a little late and the two lovebirds left to go get some lunch for the band. Alex decided now was time for some investigation.

A Simple Song  ||『Karlnap』Where stories live. Discover now