Chapter 13: Story

Start from the beginning

Ethan leans in and kisses me again as his hips start rocking again. "We will worry about that later. Let's enjoy my birthday and our marriage."

Wrapping my legs around his waist, I pull him even closer trying to feel all of this man - my man. My mind is a mess of questions and worry. How can he be so calm? Cam is going to hate me - hate him. I know it.

"'What's wrong?" Ethan asks me, stopping his motions again. I can see the worry all over his handsome face.

"I'm worried about Cam and how he will feel. What if he hates me? What if he never wants to be your friend again? I can't live with that."

"Cam and I will be fine. He will be mad at first, but I think we will be able to get through this?'

"I'm just not so sure as you are Ethan."

Ethan pulls out of me and pulls me up. "Ok. we can both tell him together. Let's take a shower and get dressed. I will go check on Juniper because I'm sure she's hysterical right about now. Then I will meet you at the hotel room to talk with Cam."

"I nod." We both get up and take a shower together, our first of many I assume if Cam or Juniper don't kill us. When we get out Ethan grabs a bag that has some clothes in it. He pulls out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt for him and passes me some Capri joggers and a t-shirt that says just married. "I'm not wearing that."

"Why not? You just had to have it last night." He smirks at me and I grin.

"I just had to have a lot of things last night. Where is yours?" He pulls his matching groom t-shirt out of the bag.

"We were really drunk," I say pulling the bag over and pulling out the veil I guess I wore.

"I wasn't that drunk," Ethan says. "I remember marrying you. I remember saying our vows and you crying."

Closing my eyes, I let the few fleeting memories flood my mind. "I remember. I thought it was a dream." I open my eyes and see him watching me. "I can't remember everything but I remember standing in front of the man. I remember how you kissed me. I remember your smile."

He leans over and kisses me. "I love you," he whispers against my lips. I nod as the first tear flows down my cheek. He steps closer pulling me into his chest.

"What's wrong?"

"I've never had a man that fully loved me. Not how you do. I've dated but I was always too busy. In high school and college, I was too determined to worry about being with anyone, and then after school, I was too focused on being successful. Cam was just someone to say I had someone and I was determined to make it work because I hadn't before and I was lonely."

"Well I love you and nothing will change that."

"Not even me jetting around the world?"

"Not even that." Smiling, I snatch his towel off and raise an eyebrow. "How about one more round for the road." Ethan advances on me, picking me up, and throwing me on the bed.

"I love you," I whisper.


Using my key card I step into the room Cam and I share. When I walk in it looks like Cam had an after-party here, with nothing but naked women, and condom packages - lots of condom packages. Two women are sleeping on the couch and another woman on the floor. I've counted three already and I haven't even made it to the bedroom.

When I get to the room I find two more women and Cam in the bed. He's laying on top of the covers with his dick still in the used condom. Shaking my head I walk over to the bed and shake Cam. His eyes slowly open and a lazy grin spreads across his face.

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