p l a y l i s t

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hello, peasa--I MEAN, stunning readers (totally wasn't going to say peasants coughcough sassy side)

i've decided to write a couple of very short stories, all of which will be individual 'books' (different covers, playlists, etc) and each will be centred around one troubling theme/problem in today's society.

i'm starting off with BODY APPRECIATION, because EVERYONE SINGLE ONE OF YOU HERE IS LOVELY AND AWESOME AND AWESOMETASTIC & without you guys, I would be a stupid writer with no talent or encouragement, locked up in some basement. At least we HIT 200 READS ON 'AT THE BUTT-CRACK OF DAWN' WHOOWHOOWHOOO (oh my goshhh thanks guys ily)

; each playlist will have four songs, because my lucky number is four ahahahaha (self-centred much, a.p? NOOOO how dare you peasa--let's just get on with the story, shall we?) ;

let the positivity BEGIN!


1. Beautiful, james blunt

2. All of Me, john legend

3. Flawless, beyonce (just for the fun of it!)

4. You & I, john legend (he is the LEGEND of making women feel stunning)

enjoy, bbys! updates will be irregular; sorry.

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