Chapter 1- no one cares

Start from the beginning

"Hi there." I say finally.

PJ's PoV

I was down in London for the day with Dan and Phil, and at the moment they were engaged in a conversation with Chris, who decided to join us for coffee. I was too busy looking at the girl across the street. She was delicately holding a

LKSM-6 Taylor acoustic. I could just hear her singing over the noise of Starbucks. I listened intensely and I fell in love with her voice after the jack Johnson song. I looked at her and from what I could tell she looked quite tanned and her hair fell just below her shoulders. You couldn't tell what colour her eyes were because she had a dark grey beanie slung over her head and she kept her head low.

"PJ? You ok man?" I heard Chris ask me. I shook my head slightly, getting out of my daydream and said

"Oh Sorry, I was a little Distracted." He shrugged it off and said

"I'll pay for your drink, what do ya want?" I smile awkwardly then sigh and say

"Nothing thanks for the offer though..." I reply quickly. He gives me a weird look before walking away. I looked over to Dan and Phil opposite me and they both exchanged some strange looks.

"You sure your ok PJ?" Phil asks. I nod and Dan shrugs. They soon enough get into a conversation. I look across the street again and the girl is looking up at two other girls. You can see the guitar players face perfectly; her pale green eyes suit her face perfectly and her pink lips sit in a perfect smile.

She looks like one of my childhood friends, who left without a trace. Her name was Lori Kane and she was the best friend ever. We used to play guitar together and have Tonnes of fun together. We were inseparable. Oh how I wish I had the chance to see her again.

"PJ! Come on, we are going to go watch that girl you cant stop staring at." One of the guys said. I nodded simply and walked out alongside Chris. When we got outside, all I heard was her voice. It was truly hypnotising.

All four of us walked up to her and stood in front of her as she was playing a muse song. When she finished we gave her a round and she looked up. She looked at the other three for about a second and I saw that she recognised them. Then she looked over to me and she bit her lip lightly before finally saying

"Hi there."

"hi, Your really talented." Phil says politely.

"Thanks phil." She says quickly before blushing, turning away and cursing under her breath.

"I think we have a fan here guys." Chris says putting on a perv face.

"Well lets put that a side, was that muse you was just playing?" Dan asks.

"Yeah it was time is running out." She replies, not staring us in the eyes.

"Well I thought it was, that was fantastic!" Dan says happily. A smile grows on her face and she looks up.

"So you know us from YouTube?" Phil asks her eyes dart between us and she nodded.

"Well any song suggestions?" She says, trying to avoid the conversation.

"What about take on me? It's a classic." I say. She looks over to me and she examines my face. She shows a soft smile and nods. She starts to play and sing, and for the next 3 to 4 minutes I was hypnotised by her voice.

When she finished Dan and Phil put £20 between them in her guitar case. Hr eyes went wide and she shook her head.

"I don't want your money." She said kindly. I cocked my head to the side as she held out the £20 pound note. Phil took the note uncertainly. She smiled as he took it.

"No Phil, let her have it." Dan said quickly.

"Dan, I don't need your money!" she countered

"I want to help you." He said harshly

"I don't want your help." She replied just as harshly. Me and Chris took a step back and watched this argument grow.

"Isn't this your job, to beg for money on the streets?" Dan snarled. She looked taken back by his comment and her eyes narrowed.

"Now if you can fuck off right now, I would like that. I don't do this for myself; I get a thrill out of making people happy. I Don't care about your first world problems, you practically don't have to do anything, you post a video and then you get so many views and you get paid for it. I don't see how you can question my hobby. I sit on the streets and play for the public. You are simply a person in the public who is judging me." She says harshly. My jaw drops. She then stands up and places her guitar in her case.

"Now if you excuse me, I need to go." She says before running off. Dan stands with Phil and Chris stunned and I chase after her. She runs down multiple streets before she looks behind me.

"What are you doing?" she spits at me.

"I'm sorry about Dan, he's just stubborn. I'm apologising." In other words I said

'Don't kill me or Dan, he can be a dick at times but he's ok... please forgive us'

"Well... apology accepted." She said quickly. Then she dashes. I quickly grab her hand and spin her to face me.

"Can I have your phone number?" I ask. She shakes her head and says

"I don't have a phone."

"Well let me walk you home at least." I say trying to get to know her a bit. She shakes her head again and says

"That's not Necessary." Then she runs off into the business of London. I stare at her as she fades into the crown before walking back to the guys. I feel like I know her.

The guys were still in front of Starbucks and they looked at me.

"Well congrats on being a stupid, stubborn, idiot Dan" I say. He looks at me and sighs.

"Why do you care so much if I upset her?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders and start walking to their apartment. Who was she?

Lorna's PoV

That Dan Guy was being a bit of a dick. No offence to him but he was. But when that other guy, that I had no idea what his name was, came after me, I felt like I may have knew him. I couldn't think though. He was nice though. I didn't want him to know I was homeless. That's why I ran off so quickly. Maybe I'll see him on the streets again one day...

A/N: K I understand this is a shitty beginning of this story but, I am planning on it to make it better. So yeah, new fanfic.... I'll try update soon... the sequel to I'll never forget you is going up tonight as well... so check that out later... kk STAY AWESOME BYYYYYYYYEEEE!!!!!!!!!

~Robyn xx

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