"Thanks!" They both say cheerfully at the same time.

I stare at them and think about how weird this all was. My best friend and my other best friend dating? It's just weird thinking about. There was an awkward silence until we were joined by the rest of the team.

"WHAT'S UP GUYS!!!" Jordi yelled.

"Nothing, just talking." I replied casually.

"Oh okay." Jordi said.

Everyone started talking to each other. As I was talking to Gerard about his new child Marc arrived.

"Sup bro!" Gerard said bro hugging Marc.

"Nothing much, how are you two?" He asked looking at the two of us.

"Good!" We both replied at the same time.

"Haha, well I'll talk to you guys later I'm going to go get an early start on training." he said.

"Oh, just join Leo he went for an early start too" I recommended.

"Ok thanks, Maria can I talk to you for a second?" Marc asked.

"Yeah sure." I replied.

He pulled me aside to somewhere apart from the rest of the group.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Want to take a walk or something after practice?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure" I answered.

"Great! See you later, going to go get an early start..." He said running off.

Right when Marc ran off I got a call from Oscar. I answered almost right away.

"Hey Oscy, what's up?"

"Uh, nothing much" he answered simply.

"Don't you have practice?" I asked.

"We were supposed to but our coach cancelled it some reason" he replied.

"Okay, so how's it been back in London?" I asked.

"It's boring as hell! I always go to your house and then I'm like, shit she isn't here." he sighed laughing.

"It sounds like someone misses me..." I said.

"Definitely, but I went this morning the mail dude came around. I had the usual mail and then I saw one and guess what!" He said/asked.


"It had you on it! So I was wondering what you were doing on it and I looked at the picture and it showed you and Marc Bartra..." he said with his voice trailing off.

"Um, one second let me look up what the cover looked like."

I looked through newspapers with my name on it, and there was a lot. I looked at the one that had 'London' labeled on the sides, so I chose it. The cover was a picture of me and Marc at the restaurant he took me to after practice, we were laughing and really close to each other looking into each other's eyes.

I know the thoughts that might be going in Oscar's head.

"Oscar, he just to me to a restaurant after his practice finished, nothing happened" I say.

"Ok, I believe you. But try to make this not happen again." he asked.

"Oscar, nothing happened me and him are friends. It's not like me and you are dating anyway." I snapped.

"Sorry, I just don't want you to forget about me" He sighed.

"Don't worry, I won't, and it's not you that should be sorry, it's me. Sorry for snapping at you like that. Bye love you." I said.

"Okay love you too." he said hanging up the phone.

Oscar doesn't have anything to worry about, it's not like me and Marc went out on a date or anything, we just went to eat. I realized I had been dazing off for a few minutes when Lucia waved her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, what?" I asked

"I said, 'The guys just left for practice, do you want to go join them?' Maria are you okay?" She asked sincerely.

"Yeah, I just got a call from Oscar and he saw some pictures with me and Marc and starting assuming some stuff, and yeah sure let's go join them."

We walked over to the bench where we had sat at yesterday.

We sat and watched the guys practice, I looked at Marc a few times which just brought me back to think about Oscar.

Me, Lucia, and the rest of the team went out to eat for lunch and returned to practice again. Once practice has finished, I waited for Marc to get out of practice.

"Boo!" Someone yelled from behind me.

"Ahhhhhh!" I yelped clenching my chest.

I turned around to see Marc laughing his ass off.

"Not. Funny" I managed to say with every breath I had

"It was hilarious!" He said laughing.

"I hate you." I say playfully slapping his arm.

"It's okay, I know you love me... Anyways you still up for that walk?" He asked.

"Of course, let's go" I replied.

Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Marc Bartra) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now