Cedric decided to re take his 7th year because of all of the bad marks he got last year cause of the tournament and Dumbledore so nicely let it happen.

"Hey Snape." Cedric said. "Kalen this is my Gryffindor friend Brooklyn, Brooke this is Kalen."

"Nice to meet you." I smiled and shook his hand, he smiled back. He has nice green eyes and tan skin. He looked Portuguese.

"Like wise." He said. "Gryfindor, eh? I want Slytherin or Hufflepuff but I get the famouse Sorting Hat get's my say." He laughed.

"Yeah I guess so, I have a few friends in Slytherin. Are you a transfer?"

"Yeah, Drumstrang."

"What brings you here?"

"Well, my brother came here last year. He wrote to me and told me how great it was. I wish he could've told me in person how it was but he sadly passed away in the tournament, said to be by You- Know- You."

"Y- your Alex's brother?" I stuttered in disbalief.

"So you must be the Brooklyn then, did you say your last name is Snape" He asked and I nodded my head yes. "Not going to lie, he did have a crush on you." He chuckled.

"W- were you at the tournament?"

"Yes, with my family. So you must also be the girl who- um ran down there?"

"Yeah, that was me." I said and I saw Kalen's eyes fill with sorrow. "So Cedric, heard from your friend Ryan lately."

"Oh no, he is not my friend. He got expelled last year for getting caught touching a girl. I was the one who found him, it was a Ravenclaw. Dumbledore said something about he shouldn't have let him off with a suspension before. So I guess there was someone before that girl. Rumours say he raped the girl."

"O- oh, well he deserved to be expelled then." I said and a smile spread a smile across my face at the thought of him being gone. But at the same time it meant he touched another girl. Made her uncomfortable. "I should get going. Bye Kalen, hope you get the house you want." I smiled then left the cabin.

I walked back down the hallway and went back to my cabin where my friends and Ang and Lavender were to see Ang pushed up against Fred, giving him puppy eyes as he talked to George.

There were two spots where she could sit but she chose to sit there. And Fred wasn't doing anything about it. Lavender was sitting next to Ang and Lee was next to Lav so I sat down next to El on the other side.

"Who are you glaring at?" I whispered in Ellie's ear.

"The bitch herself, Lavender. She was staring at George with love eyes so I told her eyes off and now she is glaring at me so I might as well glare back."

"Was she doing what Ang is doing right now?" I asked and Ellie looked over at Ang and narrowed her eyes at her but Ang didn't see because she too busy eye fucking my boyfriend. Bitch.

"Yeah, want me to say something, I'm in the mood to punch someone right now." She laughed and balled her fists up but I grabbed her hand and unballed it.

"Calm your horses dude." I laughed. If anyone gets to punch Ang it will be me. "It's not fine but I don't want to make a scene." I looked over at Fred and he caught my eye and saw me frown.

"Come here." He said. I got up and walked over to him and he grabbed my waist and put me on his lap. "Much better." He whispered into my ear which made tingle go down my body. I leaned back into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

Fred went back to talking with George so I decided to text Ellie so we could talk without Ms. and other Ms. BitchFace.

BSF: I'm going to punch her. Like she is looking at George like he is eye candy.

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