Qúïrk Mālfûñçťïøñ

Start from the beginning

(The next morning, Monday 8:33 am) 

Katsuki's POV:

Everyone was chatting in groups about what happened last night. Sho. I missed him. I didn't believe fucking Ghost Girl but Shoto didn't have any proof about his innocence. So I stayed away from him. I'm still suspicious. Everyone fucking hated him. Now they're worried. Shitty Hair, Raccoon Eyes, and Dunce Face surrounded my desk. They all look like shit. "Oi, what's with the fucking long face?!" I yell at them, annoyed that they're sad and I have to listen to their problems. "Well, I feel bad for Todobro. We all treated him like he was shit, but we didn't notice that we pushed him to his limits. And Midobro, he was crying in my dorm, saying he was a bad friend and terrible at protecting him, and it took him at least 4 hours to fall asleep." "Now that you mention it, Midobro does look like shit." Dunce Face says next. I glance at the shitty Deku. He doesn't look like shit like he does every day. Heavy eye bags lay underneath his puffy eyes, his uniform is lazily done, and his face is all pale, like a ghost. Looking at him makes me shudder. "Poor Midoriya.." Pinky murmurs and Shitty Hair nods his head sadly. Mr. Aizawa comes in and commands, "Ok, we're going to have a little trip to the hospital so get your asses on the bus." We do as we're told and rode the bus silently. Once we're there, a nurse comes greets us, and leads everyone to the 3rd floor. "Room 33 is right here." She said. Mr. Aizawa thanks the nurse and she left. "Before we go in," He starts, "I want you all to apologize to him. I saw how you all treat him. It's because of your actions that caused all this stress inside him." Everyone, except Ghost Girl, looked down at their feet in shame. I did so too. It's partly my fault too. Mr. Aizawa noticed this and smiled. "Ok, get in Problem children." He said and got out of the way so we can go inside the room. One by one, we entered. I came in after a few students. I was glad to see Shoto's face, but he didn't look too happy to see us. Instead, he looked at the bedsheet, like he was waiting for us to yell at him. I frowned. I want to see his fucking beautiful smile again.

Shoto's POV:

Everyone is here. Even Katsuki. To yell at me again. I was already in enough pain so this is just gonna make it worse, so I just look at the white covers, squeezing my eyes shut. "We're so sorry Todoroki/Todoroki-Kun/Sho!" I look in shock at the bowing crowd, apologizing. For a second, I thought they weren't talking to me. 

"I didn't mean for you to feel like that!"

"I was a terrible friend, I'm sorry Todoroki-Kun!"

"I was a bad class rep, letting everyone criticize you like that." 

"It's ok guys!" I say, my eyes softening at their nice comments. "But why would you think I would do that to Savannah?" I ask. "We, uh....." They all went silent. "I don't know really. I didn't think this through I guess," Midoriya chuckles softly. I didn't notice how horrible he looks. I feel bad. "Hey, sorry again..." Tsysu apologized. Then they all look at Savannah. Some mad, others disappointed. They turn their attention back to me. "Group hug!" Mina yells out, punching her fist in the air. Then everyone attacks me, collapsing and making me fall over on my bed (Yeesh, and that's his second time doing that in the chapter). "Hey, guys, that hurts!!!" I yell but they didn't get off of me. Not gonna lie, it felt good to be surrounded by the people I love, it made me feel safe and happy. Then I saw a doctor pull Mr. Aizawa into a conversation. Mr. Aizawa came towards the big pile of students on top of me and said, "Alright, get off of him! You're probably suffocating him." The group hug departed and they look at my wrists and/or neck. Not because of the many bandages of old and new cuts, but something else. "Todoroki-Kun, where are your bracelets and collar?" Uraraka asks. I tilt my head slightly in confusion and asked, "Why would I need them?" "Uh.. erm...." They all went silent. They all either rubbed their back of their heads with their hands or looking away in shame. "What's so important about me that even I can't know?!" I exclaim angrily. "We don't know the exact reason but he put it on you because you're... dangerous," Midoriya confesses. My eyes widen when he said that. "He?" I ask. "Prof. Kim," Jirou explained. What's so dangerous about me? Shona? Nah he's too nice. And he's been gone since the weird man put those things on me. I miss him. "Ok everyone, let's go." Mr. Aizawa said and they all left. But he stopped at the front of the doorway. He turned his head to me and smiled, "Next time when you're feeling stressed, come to me." I didn't know what he meant by that so I said nothing. Then he left. It's now 10:00 am. I'm bored so I'm gonna sleep for the next few hours.

3rd POV:

Shoto woke up to a familiar voice. "Hey wake up!" it whisper-shouts, shaking him a bit. Shoto's drowsy eyelids slowly opened and saw a friend he hasn't seen in a long time. "Shona?" He whispered because his vision was a little blurry. Shona nods and smiles. "You sleep so long," He complains, crossing his arms annoyed. Shoto looks back at the clock. It was 10:02 am. "I slept for 2 minutes!" Shoto exclaims. "Still, you sleep too long," Shona smirks. Shoto looks at the dumbfounded demon in front of him. He loves his friend but he can be dumb sometimes. "What were you doing for the last two weeks?" Shoto asks, intrigued by what Shona has to say. "Uh, I just slept," Shona replies. "Wait," Shona then realizes something, "Did you say for the two weeks?" Shoto looks at the wide-eyed demon and replies, "Yes, are you deaf?" Shona grunts at that reply but still responds, "I thought I was sleeping for the night. I was sleeping for a whole two weeks?!" His exclaiming made Shoto flinch a bit since he wasn't too used to loud sounds. "Yeah, you have. Ever since that weird man put those things on me, I haven't heard from you." "I don't trust that old man, he seems suspicious," Shona replies. They both know that the weird man will come back, so they have to stay on their guard. Shoto knew Shona is definitely not a human. "Shona, exactly what are you?" Shoto asks curiously. "A demon," was the quick answer coming from the demon who was now floating above the bed. "Then he is evil," Shoto says. "Yeah," Shona responds. Even though they seem calm, they're really stressed about the situation. "Anyways, how did you get to the hospital?" Shona asks questioningly. "Quirk malfunction..." Shoto responds quietly. The question just reminded him of the "thing" before the accident. "Let's just talk about something else." Shona remarks after noticing the sad smile on the dual-haired face. They still sat in silence. The quietness between the demon and teen was soon broken by a door opening. It was...


Hah! Cliffhanger!

Anyways sorry if this was so long to get out. I was being lazy again. =-=

Todoroki: Why are you making bad stuff happen to me?! TnT

Me: Sorry little bean. TnT


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