[Vol 2] First Day Of A New School Pt1

Start from the beginning

"*swallow* Wait? Your telling me that I have more dragon slayer styles?!" I asked excitedly making her giggle.

"Yeah, I mean I decided that it would be dull to only give you Fire, Water, Ice, Holy, Shadow, Iron, Sky, Lightning, Earth, and Chaos. So I decided to hook you up with whatever dragon slayer magic I could find which wasn't much but they all are pretty powerful." She said making my eyes shine with stars.

"Wait?, If that's the case. Why don't you have all these magic like I do?" I asked making her look at me as she was eating her portion of food.

"You see Sin, as you could basically tell and know I selected for my race to be human. Now this does limit somethings I could do with those other races, but actually this is a major advantage." She stated making me confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked making her smirk.

"Humans have been known for their ways to adapt into any situation given to them making them almost like another race in general. So I chose Remanants meaning of a human as it would give me something more powerful to cancel out those advantages that the other races had. If your still confused Sin, it you. Your what canceled out the other races" she stated making me even more confused.

"Let me explain more, basically when I became your priest I relatively gained dragon slayer magic that fitted me. " she answered making me nod.

"So, the reason you don't have all the styles is because since you choose human, your limited to only the elements that you are compatible with." I answered making her nod.

"Yep!, also I gain almost everything that a real Dragon has. Sense of smell,hearing,hunger,everything. " she said making me nod.

"Wait? Then why do I need a harem? I mean I always read that a dragon always had one mate and that they were connected till death." I stated making her shake her head with a light giggle.

"Sin, there are many reasons you need a harem. You see as you can basically tell I can not keep up with you sex drive at all, and I mean at all. You literally already be 2 rounds in while I already climaxed at least 10 times! Then there's the fact that your not a ordinary dragon. Your more like a dragon prince, as you need to do a specific quest to gain the title as a king." She explained making me chuckle nervously and nod in agreement.

"Then there's the fact that your basically a lady magnet." She stated bluntly making me spit out my orange juice.

"I swear, I think either god or you gave me an invisible charisma stat." I chocked making her burst into laughter.

"You don't have a Charisma stat Sin Hehehe~ though just your natural charms and personality is enough to make any girl fall head over heels for you, and let's not even get on your appearance and physique." She said licking her lips as she stared at me.

"I promise you, if you keep staring at me like that ,I will pounce you" I said as a smirk appeared on my face as she shivered remembering our lovely nights.

"I'll keep that in mind~, and anyways I don't think you have it in you to break a girls heart and neither do I think I could bear to be the reason of it. So I decided that I'll let any girl that I deem worthy and you are close to them into the harem." She explained.

"So wait? The talk that you had with Glynda was about.....?" I trailed as she gave me a smug smile.

"Yep, your harem and surprisingly she did want to join." Mira stated making my eyes go wide.

"Just how many girls did you invite it this 'harem? " I asked making her nervously chuckle.

"Ummmmm,Yang,Weiss, Blake, Ruby,Jean,Nora,Rin,Pyhrra,Velvet, Glynda, Velvet, and her team leader CoCo." She said making me shocked.

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