2. A piece of the future

Start from the beginning

There were so many cats! And they're all so sweet!! They sniff his hand and climb on his shoulders but when he tries to give them the food he bought today one starts meowing loudly.
"Hey stop that. What is it?
D-do you want me to follow you?"

Hitoshi follows the cat as he studies its black a white speckled fur and bright green eyes. It leads him to a small box where there is a heavy scent of sweet... chemicals? He peeks in the box to find a mother and her newborn kittens..... covered in... glue?!

Hitoshi wants to throw up.

He's never seen something so terrible. (Izuku would disagree but to each their own) The cats where stuck to each other. How does he even begin to help them?
He goes to pick one up when he hears a shout.

"Hey don't pick them up if they're hurt!"

It's a uhm ... green thing?

God he needs glasses.

Oh it's a boy!
With his mom.
Who is very green as well.

"They're covered in glue. I don't know how long they've been sitting in it." Hitoshi explains.

"Oh, oh my god that's terrible!! Mom do you have our kit?" The boy responds as he turns to his mother.

"Yes, but shouldn't we take them to the vet?"

"I think we should separate them and get them out of the glue first. We're gonna need some kind of glass container to put each kitten and the mom in so that even if it dries it won't be too hard to take them out of the containers."

"Ok hun there's a store right down the street you stay here with..?"

"Hitoshi ma'am"

"Stay with Hitoshi and don't start till I get back. If you need to get away for any reason find a bench in a populated area and call me if you can take the kittens do but if you can't, leave them, you're more important. Am I understood?"

"Yes mama! We'll be quiet and careful and I have my phone!"

"Y-yes ma'am"
Damn she's scary. She looked really sweet. Well she still is but still. Scary.

"No more of that ma'am stuff you'll make me feel old! Just call me Inko. I'll be back stay here follow the rules."
And with that she was off.

It took ten minutes for her to come back with four small glass containers and a big large one.

"Ma- Miss Inko there's five kittens."

"Oh well Hitoshi hunny that ones face down in the glue and hasn't moved the whole time. Nor is it's chest moving like the others."

"O-oh. Oh. Yeah. Can we bury it?"

"Yes of course we can! We'll bring the box with us."

They started to cut the kittens fur where it was connected and one by one separated them into their own container. It took a while because they had to cut the fur where it was connected to the box for the mom. She was not exactly light.

Then it was off to the vet that was three blocks away.

Geo was a patient man when it came to people and their animals.
He was patient when a cat almost died cause the owner didn't listen to him about it's allergies.
He's patient with the many people who come in with pets with matted hair and expect them to get a cute haircut and not a shave down.

He's especially patient with the people who come in after he finds a new hamster on his front door.
It's not their fault people don't understand how much work it is to take care of one.

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