The woman banged her spear on the ground and narrowed her eyes. Her body language exuded confidence and authority.

"The Dora Milaje have jurisdiction where the Dora Milaje find themselves to be."

John scoffed, "Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot."

He slapped a hand on the woman's shoulder. She was quick to attack and pull him off. Her other companions joined and held back Lemar while Walker tried to fight the other one off.

Meanwhile, the other four of them patiently watched with intrigue. Anna's face consistently contorted into a mix of sympathy pain and amusement during the scene. She moved to the other side of the counter for a closer look.

"We should do something," Sam advised.

Both her and Bucky took casual sips of their drinks. But he decided to be a little more taunting.

"Looking strong, John!"

Anna smirked while Sam rolled his eyes.

As the fight progressed, the man kept goading Bucky to help. He was reluctant at first, but once he saw the woman try to stab down at Walker, he intervened.

She wasted no time in turning the fight to him. Sam rushed over to help Lemar, who was taking on the other two.

One of the ladies growled and pointed her spear at Anna. She challenged her to see if she'd fight as well.

But the girl simply held her hands up in surrender and sat down with her drink. She spoke in a soft and calm voice.

"I'll just let you do your whole badass thing."

She conceded and quietly watched as the fight continued around her.

It only stopped when the main woman, who she learned was named Ayo, somehow removed Bucky's arm. Anna resisted the urge to laugh as the dead arm thumped against the ground. She was also just as shocked as everyone else.

Upon seeing his betrayal, Bucky froze. He couldn't move or react fast enough while processing it. He let Ayo pass him and walk to the bathroom doors where Zemo had apparently hid.

She opened the doors but did not find him.

"He's gone."

She commanded her companions to exit. They followed her out of the apartment and soon enough left the five of them alone.

"Did you know she could do that?" Sam asked. His voice was strained as he struggled to get up from the floor he was thrown down on.

Anna finally moved and she picked up Bucky's arm gently. She came to stand beside him, subtly encouraging him to react to something other than his initial shock.

He weakly shook his head in response to Sam's question, "No."

Anna moved away the limp arm hole that rested against his shoulder. She glanced between the mechanics on the arm and his shoulder to make sure it connected right.

She pressed the two pieces together, twisting it to make it lock in place. Once she did, she heard a click in place.

She smiled in victory but it was soon wiped off. She didn't know that once it was back in operation, Bucky's arm would automatically do a reset to make sure it had all its mobility.

It rapidly spun in a circle. As it went up, it hit Anna in the nose. Her head snapped back and she shouted in pain.


She held her nose in her hands, feeling the blood drip down. Her eyes watered and she cursed loudly.

"Oh shit, are you okay?" Bucky asked.

"I think you broke my nose!"

He moved to inspect it but she held out her hand to stop him.

"No, no, no. Don't come near me. Keep that hunk of metal to yourself."

He apologized again as she rushed to the bathroom. She brushed past Sam, who was looking at the sewage tunnel Zemo had escaped through.

As he inspected in, she leaned over the sink and splashed water onto her face. She cleared the blood off but still felt more coming on.

Bucky joined them and followed Sam's gaze, sighing tiredly. The latter scoffed in half amazement and half disbelief.

"I can't believe he pulled an El Chapo."



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