Chapter Twenty: Return to Rivendell

Start from the beginning

Alethris stifled a snigger as Bilbo told Thranduil all the mischief she had gotten up to as a child. Thranduil solemnly explained that she fared little better in the Woodland Realm. He then glanced at Alethris and winked. Bilbo looked concerned. "Oh dear, did some misfortune befall Anberenien? I always feared she'd meet a sticky end. Did the spiders get her? Or was it Orcs?"

Thranduil roared with laughter. "No Bilbo, she is no longer my ward........ because she is my Queen!" 

Alethris smiled as the old hobbit followed Thranduil's gaze and saw her standing in the doorway. His eyes widened and a broad smile crossed his wrinkled face as it dawned upon him who she was. "Well, I never, Lady Anberenien! My shiny young friend!"

She ran to Bilbo and held him in a fond embrace. "I am called Alethris now I am queen. Long have I looked forward to seeing you again."

Bilbo chattered excitedly. "My, how you have grown, my Lady? It only seems like yesterday, when you were skipping around Rivendell, climbing trees, rooftops and being sent to the Hall of Fire. You and that stable boy. What was his name?"

"Rodon," replied Alethris.

"Oh yes, he went to the rangers, did you hear from him again?"

"He died," replied Alethris.

The smile dropped from Bilbo's wizened face. "Oh, my dear, I am so sorry. He was a good friend to you. Was he on ranging duties?"  

Alethris and Thranduil exchanged looks. "Yes," she replied. It was not necessary to tell Bilbo the truth. She didn't want to relive those times again, and it would only upset him. Thranduil squeezed her hand in support and she knew he agreed with her.

Bilbo squinted at Alethris's tresses. "Anberenien, what have you done to your hair? Half of it is now the same color as your eyes."

"It is a long story, rather like your adventures," she replied.

Bilbo clasped her hand. "Well, you must tell me all about it now you are home and you can help me with my research again."

Thranduil gave her a look indicating that would not be possible. "Alas Bilbo, we are only staying a couple of weeks as we are wintering in Lothlórien and must travel across the Red Horn Pass before the weather turns. But we shall visit you every day while we are here."

Bilbo's expression looked pained. "Well, I am very sorry to hear that, but a visit to Lothlórien is a privilege not to be missed. If only I could join you, but I am passed adventuring now. And you mind those spiders when you return to Mirkwood, they are very dangerous."

"Mirkwood is no more, Bilbo. The Forest is cleansed of all evil creatures. It is called Eryn Lasgalen now," replied Thranduil.

Suddenly Bilbo looked towards the doorway. "Ah, Master Elrond, tea and toast as requested, thank you. You may go now, I am having a lovely chat with young Anberenien. It seems ages since we last spoke. You know I always said she would come to greatness, didn't I, Master Elrond?"

"Of course, Bilbo and you were quite right," replied Elrond. He smiled at Alethris and quietly left the room.

Bilbo happily munched his toast and drank his tea. "Lord Elrond is a most attentive host. I have missed him so. And alas, poor Arwen, never shall we meet again." After finishing his meal, Bilbo yawned and stretched. "It has been so wonderful to see you again Anberenien, but now, I am weary, my shiny young friend."

"Will you be coming to the feast?" asked Alethris.

"I am looking forward to it. I shall write a new song in you and your husband's honour. Which is why I must rest for a time." He settled down on his daybed and Alethris placed a nearby coverlet upon him. "Fancy that, little Anberenien, a fairy queen." He smiled, then turned over and went to sleep.

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