Dumbledore's first thought upon seeing the second year was that he was the one who opened the chamber. He wasn't as certain as he had been fifty years ago in regards to Tom but he had a feeling the boy knew something about it. Harrison had looking confused and innocent but Dumbledore knew all too well how good of an actor the boys father could be. He didn't want to jump to conclusions and he didn't want to alert him to his suspicions. Dumbledore settled for watching him, but he had a feeling Harrison knew when he was being watched. During tonight's attack Snape said Harrison was in the dungeons so it couldn't have been him but that doesn't mean the boy didn't know who did it.

Dumbledore looked up when he heard a knock on the door. He sat up straight and waved his wand, the large door opened to reveal Harrison wearing an emerald green cloak. The boys short black hair was neat as usual and his eyes glowed killing curse green. He walked with an air of confidence and slight arrogance but not in a way that yelled he thought he was better than everyone like Leo Lestrange, Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini did. Harrison looked more as though he knew he was powerful and intelligent but didn't need to prove it to anyone. The young boy strode towards his desk taking long strides. Harrison stopped a foot from the desk and Dumbledore saw his eyes closer than he ever had before, upon looking into them he was reminded of someone he once cared for but who died long ago. Lily Potter, the boy had eyes that looked just like hers had.

He felt questions begin to stir in his mind. Why does the boy have her eyes? I've never seen eyes as green before except for on her? Can Lily be his- He cut himself off, he knew that it was impossible for Lily to be the boys mother. After all, Lily Potter only had one son and he died eleven years ago. Dumbledore pushed all thoughts and questions from his mind as he gestured for Harrison to sit down.

"Sit down Mr. Riddle," Dumbledore said kindly. "Lemon drop?" He held out a glass bowl filled with the muggle sweet.

"No, thank you," Harrison replied in a respectful tone. "May I inquire as to why I'm here headmaster?"

"Yes, yes, of course," Dumbledore said as he placed a lemon drop on his tongue. The sour flavor hit his senses as he swirled the sweet around in his mouth. "How are you enjoying Hogwarts so far?"

Harrison looked curiously up at him. "I'm enjoying it so far, however I find the classes to be easy."

"Yes, your professors tell me you always come to class knowing the material," Dumbledore said as he eyed Harrison carefully. He tried to read the boys reactions but his expressions seemed to be very controlled.

"Yes," Harrison said slowly. "I don't mean to sound rude headmaster, but I don't think you called me here to discuss whether I prefer Charms or Transfiguration."

Dumbledore chuckled. "No, I did not." He stopped chuckling and turned serious. "I know it wasn't you who opened the Chamber of Secrets." He paused to read Harrison's reaction but the boy didn't so much as raise an eyebrow so he continued. "However, I would like to know if you know who did?"

Harrison stared at the headmaster as if trying to formulate a response. "I don't." He adjusted a long emerald snake necklace that hung around his neck. "What makes you think that I would?"

Dumbledore peered at Harrison over his spectacles. There were several different ways he could approach this situation, the downside was he didn't know what the boys response would be to any of them. It was as though he was playing a game of chess, but he couldn't see the other players moves. Dumbledore remembered Snape telling him the boy hated dishonesty. If he wanted the boy to choose a side other than his fathers he would need to earn his trust. He decided to be as honest as he could while only telling him what he wanted Harrison to know.

"I know who your father is," Dumbledore said, his eyes showing no sign of a twinkle. Harrison reacted for the first time since entering the room, his green eyes seemed to glow as his posture stiffened slightly. "I don't see you as Tom Riddle, and I don't believe in blaming the son for the sins of the father." Harrison ran a finger down the emeralds on his necklace absentmindedly as his body relaxed. "I however do know that being his son you're an heir of Slytherin, and that he might have told you how to open the chamber."

"And that I told a friend," Harrison cut him off with thin lips. "I did no such thing headmaster." Harrison sounded slightly hurt. "I didn't open the chamber nor do I know who did. As for my father..." Harrison trailed off with a frown before shaking his head. "I saw him some growing up but I spent most of my time at Malfoy Manor. I'm not like him nor do I want to be." Harrison stood up quickly. "May I go now?"

Dumbledore frowned slightly at the quick mood swings in the boy. Although Dumbledore couldn't blame him, he most likely would've reacted the same if he were in Harrison's place. He eyed the boy trying to see if he was telling the truth. He didn't seem to be lying and if he was acting he was even better than Tom had been. Dumbledore leaned back and his frown turned into a small smile.

"Yes, you may go," Dumbledore said kindly. "But know this," Harrison looked at him, "if you ever need someone to talk to or if you need help you can come to me. My door is always open, and help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it." Harrison nodded slowly before turning around.

"Good evening headmaster," Harrison said politely from over his shoulder.

"Good evening my dear boy," Dumbledore said in a happier tone than he'd used all evening.

Dumbledore watched Harrison closely as he left his office. He would need to continue watching the boy for any signs he hadn't been truthful, and he would need to have Severus find out more about him. He ran a hand through his long beard as the door closed behind the second year. It was at times like these he wished he wasn't against use Legilimency on students.

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