"That was a good attack. You haven't even boosted yet but you still were able to hit me." He steps backward. "I'll let you power up a little bit and see what you can do. I want to take a full power punch from the Red Dragon Emperor and see what happens." The two of us teleport away to an open field and I boost as much as I can, entering my Cardinal Crimson Promotion as I do. I blitz towards him as quickly as I can and focus all of my power into my fist, driving it deep into his chest. He smirks and bats my hand away. "Alright, now to show you what I can truly do." He punches me in the face and starts pushing me to the ground. "United States of Smash!" When I hit the ground my armor fades and I feel blood flowing out of my mouth. The Director picks me up and teleports us back to my house, where everyone is worried about my condition.

"Hey," I say weakly. "He isn't lying, he's really that strong. He did this with one punch through my new form I unlocked in the Rating Game. This guy is the real deal." Asia heals my wounds and I sit back up. "I'm ready for Round 2."

"No you're not," Rias tells me. "There's an extra room here that you can use." The Director nods.

"Thank you Lady Gremory, that is quite kind of you." He goes to walk away but before he can I stop him.

"You know, it's kind of strange to just call you the Director. How about a codename at the least?"

"I suppose I owe you that much. When I died I couldn't remember my name, so I was given a new one by the members of Jump Force. The only name I can remember is Ace, and it was a nickname that was given to me as a child. Whenever I would play games with the kids I grew up with I would be the one that helped the team win, and the name stuck from there, even when I joined Jump Force. It isn't as fitting anymore now that I'm having to bring in extra help, but I don't know any other name for myself." I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Listen, man, you're not in the wrong for needing help. This is a threat to my world, and even if you weren't here to recruit me I would do anything in my power to take on that threat." He gives me a nod.

"I suppose you're right. Get some good rest tonight and tomorrow I can give you the rundown on who we'll be fighting against, as well as a bit of training to try to get you to advance your skills a little bit. With that dragon inside of you I know your potential is quite high, hell, probably even higher than mine. At the end of the day, I'm just a human who ended up with strength well beyond it. It's a little odd being in a world that I know the supernatural exists, but I'm glad that the stories from my world about devils aren't all true. I'll see you tomorrow then Y/N, and thank you for the spar. I can tell that you'll grow quite well under my training." Ace walks away from me and I head towards my room, but not before I'm stopped by a familiar redhead. Before I can say anything she teleports the two of us away from the house. Once we arrive I see a familiar face light up.

"Y/N!" She runs towards me and gives me a hug, holding on to me tightly. I look over to Rias and she has a smile on her face.

"Well, it's not that I don't enjoy seeing you Serafall, but I was brought here on a bit of a whim." She lets me go.

"I've got someone I want you to meet. Come with me please." She starts dragging me away and Rias follows the two of us. She pulls me into a room where my eyes are met by a beautiful girl with long light purple hair and bright orange eyes. She looks like she's about my age but the look on her face says that she's a little bit out of it right now, almost like she just woke up from a coma.

 She looks like she's about my age but the look on her face says that she's a little bit out of it right now, almost like she just woke up from a coma

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