Kushi wanted to throw her arms around him and hug him close.

She wanted to keep her head against his heart and forget everything.

But then the painful words he uttered comes rushing back, making her step back

"Kushi..." they both looked up to see Arjun coming towards them with little Chaahat.

Arnav stiffened as he saw a potential nemesis

"Yes Arjun ji?"

"Kuku balebi??" Chaahat asked looking at the box of jalebis in Kushi's hand

"Chaahat. Baby No" Arjun denied and Chaahat looked at him with puppy eyes.

Kushi laughed and picked up Chaahat in her arms.

"Let her have one, Arjun ji. Today is a special day for me. Chaahat wants to celebrate with me. Hei na Chaahu?" Kushi said and she gave another jalebi to the little girl.

ASR had his hard glare focused on the man, who had come and disturbed his precious few moments with Kushi.

Arjun was confused seeing the glare.

He had gotten close to the Gupta family in the past few months, but he doesn't know much about them.

Kushi's sister's brother in law seems to have some problem with him

"Arjun Tiwari" he introduced himself

"Arnav Singh Raizada" Arnav said coldly

Kushi's eyes widened at the cold tone and she looked at Arnav only to see him giving Arjun the lasers.

She shook her head in disbelief.

She should have seen it coming.

Arjun turned towards Kushi again

"Kushi, I will give you a lift if you are going home"

"I will drop Kushi home" ASR made its appearance making Kushi's spine stiffen.

"That's not needed Arnav ji. I will manage" Kushi said looking directly into his eyes.

Arnav clenched his fists to control his jealousy and anger.

"Buaji had invited us for lunch. So I will be going there anyways. So, it won't be a hardship dropping Kushi" Arjun said

"Lunch? Buaji didn't tell me anything" Kushi said in confusion

"I met her at the market yesterday. I mentioned about Maa's arrival. So Buaji invited us for lunch" Arjun explained

"Achaa. Okay Arjun ji. We will go now" Kushi said

"I will wait by the car" Arjun said and walked away leaving Chaahat with Kushi.

"Where is his wife?" Arnav asked

"She died during labour" Kushi said wiping the sugary syrup from Chaahat's mouth.

That is another reason why she took to Chaahat pretty quick.

A motherless child

She know how it feels.

Though Chaahat has know idea about it now, she will feel that missing when she grows up.

Arnav felt his muscles tightening at that piece of news.

Was this Arjun Tiwari plotting on making Kushi a mother to his motherless daughter?

Why else would he leave the child with Kushi so freely.


He trust Kushi

She might be angry with him. She might be hurt.

But she will never be able to replace him. Just like how he could never replace her.

Relax, he told himself.

"So what are your future plans?" Arnav asked calmly much to Kushi's surprise

She had expected an outburst on her close acquaintance with Arjun ji. But it never came.

"I had sent the primary applications to a few culinary institutes. And I have received offer letters from three of them. Now that the results are out, I will have to forward my mark list and see where I get the admission" Kushi said

"Let me know if you need any held Kushi" Arnav said, even though he knows she would never come to him for help.

"I have to go. Take care Arnav ji" Kushi said and walked away


Here goes the next shot.

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