Chapter Fifty-Two: How Many of Us Do You Think There Are, Anyway?

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As they walked away from the van, Eric and Adam debated over what they should tell Mom, speaking back and forth in low voices.

"Think we should just explain everything?" Eric asked. "If she knows people are after us for our powers, she might agree that going to the Fortuna is a good idea."

"I don't know," Adam replied. "She might want us to stay with her, anyway. She'd probably think it's worth the risk."

Part of Eric wanted to just give up on this whole mess and go with Mom, wherever that would take them. After everything else they'd lost, it was hard to imagine leaving her, too, even if it was only temporary.

But they couldn't put her in danger. Even if she insisted she was okay with it.

"Plus," Adam continued. "She wants us to stay as far from that stuff as possible since you got kidnapped that one time. And then went missing again for a night."

"Let's just say it's a school thing," Eric suggested. "It's a research vessel, right? We could say they're offering to help us finish out the school year. Which is technically true, anyway. And then that gives her time to find a place for us to stay when we're done." If they set the end of the school year as a timeline, Mom might be more willing to say goodbye for a couple of months.

Adam nodded. "Good idea."

"Eric! Adam!" Mom had spotted them. Before either could react, she rushed forward and wrapped her arms tight around them. "You're okay!"

The embrace was strong enough to knock some of the air out of Eric's lungs. "Yeah, we're okay," he managed as his breath returned.

Mom let go and took a step back. She looked the two up and down, her worried eyes searching for any signs they'd been hurt.

"Do you know what happened?" Adam asked, his tone cautious.

Mom shook her head. "No one seems to know anything, except that there was an explosion, I guess? I've heard a few people suggest that something left behind at the lab caused it." She frowned. "Did you hear anything?"

Eric glanced at Adam. "Nothing more than that."

"Well, we can figure it out later," Mom said. "I've been calling around, and most motels in the area have already filled up. We're going to have to drive pretty far, but your Aunt Sarah said we could stay with her until—"

"Mom," Adam interrupted. "It's going to be okay."

Eric sucked in a deep breath. "I know school's not the most important thing right now, but there's a research vessel off the coast that's taking high school students. We'll get to work with them and finish the year with accredited courses. And it'll look really good on my college applications," he added, even though that was the last thing he cared about.

Adam gave a quick nod. "And my resumes."

"What?" Mom frowned. "I didn't hear anything about this."

"They're still working out the details, but we can go now if we're ready," Adam said.

Eric's heart quickened. "Uh, just the minor details, mainly. Everything on the ship is ready for us."


Mom was quiet for a long moment. "They'll give you transportation?" she finally asked.

Eric nodded. "And food, and uh, shelter."

"You can focus on finding us somewhere new to live, and we'll see you as soon as classes end," Adam said.

"That way, you won't have to worry about school." Eric's face lit up. "Oh, and Summer is coming! And Sam and Veronica too, I think."

"Well, that makes me feel a little better, I guess." Mom still didn't sound convinced. She folded her arms. "But this is all happening so fast. How do I know you'll be safe?"

"We'll call you every day if you want," Adam said.

"Multiple times," Eric added.

"You know me so well." Mom managed a weak laugh. "Eric, will you be okay on a boat? At sea?"

Oh. Right. Eric hadn't given the boat idea enough thought to realize he'd be surrounded by water at all times. Very deep water. "Uh, sure," he said. "I'll just...stay on the inside part of the boat."

"If you two are sure this is the best choice, I guess—" Mom sighed. "There's not a lot of good options right now, are there?"

Eric swallowed the lump in his throat, but he couldn't stop his eyes from stinging. "Guess not. Will—will you be okay by yourself?"

"Don't worry about me. I'll go to Sarah's and figure out what to do from there," Mom said. After a long moment of silence, she added, "I wish your dad was here."

"Me too," Adam said quietly.

It was getting harder to breathe. Eric nodded, even though he didn't really remember Dad.

Mom agreed to drive them up to where the others were waiting and drop them off. The last few minutes with her were the hardest yet, and by the time they were stepping out of the car, Eric found himself wiping tears off his face.

"We'll call you when we get to the boat," Eric told her.

"Okay." Mom forced one last sad smile. "Be safe. I love you."

"Love you, too," Eric and Adam said in unison.

Watching her drive away, Eric wanted nothing more than to collapse right there on the side of the road. Just hold on a little longer, he told himself. As soon as they were safe, he was ready to sleep for as long as his body would let him.

He and Adam made their way to where Veronica, Sam, and Summer sat on the dry grass. The Newmans stood in front of their van nearby, deep in discussion.

"So, we're all good to go?" Eric asked.

"Just about." Sam held up his phone. "Raveena just texted and said she was on her way."

"Did she say anything else?"

"Nope. Just that." Sam shrugged. "Once she shows up, the Newmans will drive us to where the RV is waiting, and we'll go from there."

Eric and Adam joined the others on the ground. They speculated about what the ship would be like, whether Scorpion might try to steal the fragment from them, and how they might try to get more altered on their side now.

Cars passed by pretty frequently, but after maybe ten minutes, a dark SUV rolled up and parked not far from when they sat.

Eric was on his feet in an instant, heart pounding. Adam stood up next to him, and Sam followed suit. The passenger door opened. To everyone's relief, Raveena stepped out.

Four more kids followed.

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