
Start from the beginning

"Has Levi come by at all to see you?" Lila asked suddenly, confusing the blonde. She wasn't exactly sure why she was asking this question, but now that she thought about it, he hadn't been to visit since the day Hange, Lila, and Levi all came to have some drinks.

Corrina returned the cup of tea on top of the table before answering, "No, not for about three weeks. Did he fight against Annie?"

Lila shook her head, diverting her eyes to the ground. "His foot has been bothering him. Captain Levi doesn't like to talk about it, but he can't fight for a little while."

The blonde grew worried. The reason being; now two captains were out of the job for god knows how long, and there could be an emergency at any given time. What if something bad happens and two of the best scouts can't help?

Corrina huffed out heavily as her sour mood returned. "That's just great." She replied sarcastically.

"Don't worry about anything titan or outside related right now. You've got to focus on yourself and getting that foot better. Levi's doing the same thing, however yours is much worse. That just means you have to put in work and then you'll be in tip-top shape again!" Lila reassured with a smile.

The blonde listened, but the words went into one ear and out the other. The thought of her home being demolished and overrun by Titans heavily lingered in her mind, making it hard for her friends words of encouragement to get through to her.

Lila could sense Corrina was upset. She has yet to smile, let alone display positive attitude. Lila felt horrible for her Captain, so an idea popped into her head.

She isn't supposed to tell Corrina until it's approved by Erwin, but that confirmation is being discussed at this very moment. What harm could it cause?

"You know, Stephan might be released today."

That got Corrina to perk up. She was ready to forget about what he did, maybe not forgive until he's proven worthy for that, but forgetting and trying to reconcile their friendship was enough for now.

"Really? I hope they give him a second chance."

Lila stood up. "Me too. I'm sure he's sorry, and I have a feeling he'll do his best to make it up to you." She said, pointing to the tray, a silent ask if Corrina was finished.

Corrina nodded and handed Lila her tray, only one bite taken out of everything that was on it. She felt full, there was no way she would be able to eat another piece of food, even if that meant Lila was concerned.

She gave a sigh but took the tray anyways. "I'll let you get some rest. You'll know if Stephan's released if he comes and visit you later!"


Corrina slowly woke up hours later, yawning and stretching as her eyes got used to the yellow toned light laminating the small room.

She sat up, realizing she had to use the bathroom. So with a bothered sigh, she reached over the bed to grab the two crutches that were placed on top of a chair. She slowly swung her legs to hang from the side of the bed before securing each crutch underneath her armpits.

Corrina stood up and made her way to the bathroom, which was unfortunately a long walk for her, since she wasn't used to using crutches yet. They made her armpits sore and it takes her awhile to walk with them.

As the blonde turned the corner, she made instant eye contact with Stephan, who stood just a few feet away.

He looked deadpanned, as if he had no emotion displayed on his face.

Corrina waved and smiled, but he continued to stare at her with that same emotionless face. This made her stomach twist at the sight, not knowing what to make of this encounter. Why wasn't he happy to see her? Why did he look this way?

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