Wanna Call?

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Son of a-

You woke up with a loud ringing in your ears.

Was the new medication too strong or something?  You said to yourself as you start hitting yourself in the head with the bottom of your palm.

You decided to ignore it and walked to the bathroom.

“Only two meds a day huh? Im just gonna ignore that. Eating two more won't hurt anybody-” You said eating four at a time.

You coughed a little as you swallowed the medication dry and put them in the sink as you turned on your shower.

After you showered, you went back to your room with the meds and put them in the hoodie you wore over your uniform.

It was an oddly cold day as you head out the door with your coffee and backpack that was hung over your slumped shoulders.

_At school_

As you entered class today, you had a somewhat weird feeling.

When the test started, you had a strange feeling that somebody was staring into the back of your head.

You decided to ignore it and finally started calculating the problems.

Although you disliked math and called it somewhat 'boring' you actually weren't all that bad at it.

At the end of the test, everyone was relieved, even that rude four eyed nerd.

What was his name again- Suke? Suki? Oh yeah Tsuki, or at least- thats what his slightly shorter friend calls him.

Every class onward from that, was greeted by the same feeling of being watched, so you decided to find out what causes that feeling after school during the club activities.

_During the club activities_

You stopped to think, "What if this is happening because of the amount of medication i took-"

You thought that that possibility of baseless paranoia seemed like the most logical answer.

You took a deep breath and just slumped near a random tree.

“Im crazy,” you confirmed to yourself as you rubbed your temples. A silence stretching across the grounds.

“...Hey um, are you okay?” said yet another unfamiliar voice, although, this one was female.

You looked up and saw what seemed to be a goddess.

She had beautiful black hair, big beautiful grey eyes behind some rectangular glasses, and an adorable looking mole on the lower left side of her chin.

“I- uh, i fe- uh, im okay. Yes, im okay, sorry for making you worry” you stuttered, still amazed by her beauty.

“Oh, thats good, but, why are you sitting on the ground?”

“Ah- oh I was just walking around here to see the clubs and I suddenly felt a little dizzy and just fell haha-” you said scratching your neck.

“So did you not join a sports club yet?”

“Ah, no actually-”

Right after you said that, a subtle excitement lit up her eyes and she asked you a question. “How would you like to join the volleyball team as their new manager?”


“The volleyball team? I mean, i can play volleyball okay but, i dont really think im qualified for that task” you said sincerely.

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