[they watch the movie and Tyler falls asleep as the credits appear on screen, dixie takes him to his bed, being quiet so she doesn't wake CJ]

DIXIE; whispers* goodnight baby

TYLER; night mama!

[dixie leaves to her room and texts noah]

DIXIE; (falls asleep dreaming about Noah)

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DIXIE; (falls asleep dreaming about Noah)

(Meanwhile with noah) (its 1:25am for both of them btw)

NOAH; (in the kitchen while he was texting Dixie)

BLAKE; (looks over his shoulder) you make a great dad you know....

NOAH; (his face lights up) you really think so?

BRYCE; yes! And I agree!

NOAH; (smiles and puts his phone away) what are yall doing? I'm free for the night, Dixie is gone to sleep...

BLAKE; well, we should probably be sleeping and resting for the game but we were gonna play soccer outside.... wanna join?

NOAH; 100 per-fucking-cent! (Grabs the ball and runs outside)

(The boys chase him and they play outside until 3:54am)

NOAH; I'm fucking wrecked now....

BRYCE; (panting) me too!

BLAKE; can we go inside and go to bed now? I want to cuddle with my girl!

NOAH; (chuckles) yes please! I need rest for tomorrow and the kids and Dixie are coming to the game btw!

BRYCE; cool! Addi can't make it but rafy is going

BLAKE; Amelie is gonna come too!

NOAH; cool! And we could maybe go for dinner, all of us, afterwards....

ALL; of course

(They go their separate ways to their rooms, Blake goes to his room where Amelie is asleep and Noah and Bryce go to their rooms alone)

NOAH; ugh! I'm so tireddd (lays down on his bed)

(Meanwhile with Dixie)

DIXIE; (has a nightmare and wakes up crying) I-I (calls Noah)

NOAH; (about to put his phone on charge and gets a call) in mind* my baby! Oh shit, it's 4:30am she would never be up this late... (answers the phone)

DIXIE; (sighs in relief) h-I b-bubba.... (crying)

NOAH; hello beautiful girl! What happened? Everything ok? Want me to come over?

DIXIE; n-no i-im f-fine.... I j-just h-had a nightmare....

NOAH; aww princess! I'm sorry... thank you for calling me though!

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