Chapter 2: The Park.

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Me and my "almost considered friends" came to the park. This park had a graveyard near it. Weird.

We came there and bought icecream since a store was near. Yum.
I looked around the park for something to do. There was a big big Pond!

We came there. There was an old man there fishing.

We talked to him. Let me describe how it went:

Blaze:Hey old man what's your name
"Old man".
Old man: I'm John.
Blaze:Okay john give me three fishing rods.
Matt:Did we agree we would go fishing
Blaze:yes we did and we is me and my brain okay
Matt:Please no
John:Okay. I'll give you it because. I don't like loud noises child.
Blaze:shut up

And they kept arguing until it was sunset. That was boring.
They stopped arguing then came to me.

"Can we go home now?". I asked them
They agreed.

I went home and ate dinner. It was boring. That's all I can say.

My phone rang. It was so loud. I muted my calls though. Who's calling me?

I answered.

I heard from the voice.. it talked. I thought to myself, duh, it's a person.

He had a super deep voice.

Hello, I am Lucifer, And if I see you offending my son or doing something he doesn't like then your new home will be down here.

The call ended. What on earth?

Did Satan just talked to me? Im a twelve year old boy, and I experience this. I think I should be C a r e f u l.

This is crazy. I'm going to sleep.

- - -

I woke up. I went to the living room immediately. I made my cereal and after eating it..

I ran straight to the park.

My friends were there. Blaze looked at me. He looked like he had city in his eyes.

"Hey, Kai. Sorry about that call last night. My dad does NOT like humans. Especially when I make friends with them. C'mon." Blaze said.

"Where do we go?" I asked.

"Graveyard. Matt saw one. He wants to go there. He really likes history. And I don't know if this graveyard is Old." Blaze said.

I widened my eyes. "A FREAKING GRAVEYARD?!" I yelled from the top of my lungs.

"Hey, Don't blame me. LOL It was Matt's idea." Blaze told me.

"First of all, your dad doesn't like me, or, in other ways, HATES ME. And now, WHY are we going to a graveyard? I'm going to die. 99%." I told blaze.

Matt looked at us then came back to catching grasshoppers.

After arguing I lost. I'm not that good at this, I told myself.

Oh well. Looks like we're going into a graveyard..


Oh well. I lost the argument.
Me, blaze and Matt went to it.
This is going to be bad.

We checked it out. I didn't like invisible ghosts looking at me emotionless. That creeped me out. That's what I imagine ghost looks like.

I saw I bunch of graves. But at the corner there was a dark one. I looked at it since it looked the creepiest.

I went to it. I was attracted to it.

Blaze and Matt noticed.

They went to me and stared at the grave.

After five minutes walking around it Matt tried and hit a tree. It shaked and rumbled. But he didn't put a lot of force..

(Haha great super hideout wooo)

The grave opened. What. On. Earth.

I looked inside. It was dark. And inside there was a spiral staircase leading down below..

"Who's going first?" Blaze asked. "You of course, demon boy." Matt rolled his eyes. I was bored. I wanted to just jump into the grave and fall, like 590 feet I guess in then crack his legs.

We came in. And I totally did not jump down 590 feet. It was surprisingly shallow. After a few minutes we came in. We used our phones as flashlight to look around.


"Who are ya?" Said Matt.
WE ARE THE SLEER. WE GUARD AND WE PROTECT. A voice rang around the room.
"And Matt, it's not ya, it's you." Blaze said."I don't know full English, I came from the vampires." Mat shrugged.

"Uh, those stuff aren't cool, let's go out guys, this is not fun." I told Matt and blaze."

"Sure, Kai. Let's go! The slowest one is the snail!" Blaze said as he raced to the staircase.

(I think what I just wrist wasn't scary Soo yea)

We came back home after that old momentum of that SLEER thing. Sleer was like snake. Cool. I thought that snake vibes would be there.

Now after that I slept. It was 2 in the afternoon. I slept like a cat. Haha.

I woke up. It was 4:00. I came to the park. Again. I think my friends are there.

I came to the place. They were there.
Mat was drinking red stuff. Probably blood. And blaze was sitting down at the grass.

How did you find blood matt? I asked Matt. "Oh. This isn't blood, Im not like my family. I love tomato juice. It's nice and sweet. Matt told me.

"Is that why I'm not dead?" I asked Matt. Yep, of course. And this is also why I'm not dying from the sun. Matt told me like he said this a million times.

"I have another question by the way." I asked Matt."

"What??" He said to me. "Tomato juice isn't sweet and I don't like tomatoes." I told him and ran away as fast as I could. When I came to a alleyway, I knew I was 100% safe. I saw a cat there. It stared for two seconds then.

The cat disappeared and Matt was exactly at the spot the cat was. Was he a shape shifter?!

B r u h.

"Yo, Kai. What did you say about tomatoes?" Matt asked me with a angry face. "Uh.. wait I need to go home my mom needs me there.." I told him in a hurry then rushed straight to my house.

So yeah. Probably should not anger matt. That's one thing. I went home, and ate dinner. How fast time was.

So yeah. I was safe. For now. Maybe. I played games in my computer, at 11:00 pm I brushed my teeth, and went to sleep.

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