Start from the beginning

"May I, take a walk around the place? I must keep in shape if I'm gonna kick their asses."

"Oh!" She perked up. "Yes, go right ahead. We'll make plans and keep you posted."

"Cool, thanks."

Her smile faded into a hard line when her back was turned, and it was time to find another way outside of the metro, so she could get in and grab the body. It was a nice place. The decorations, the flowers. Could've been a mall. Or an indoor skatepark with a luxury suite. Could've been a lot of things, but it still wasn't home. She condemned herself for losing everything. Maybe Jedd wasn't going to kick her out. She never really asked Iza if she planned on telling. What if the deaths were unnecessary? And then she remembered how things didn't fall into chaos until they showed up, how they ruined everything. Iza and Putz. She missed Felix and his stupid excitement, disproportionate to the nonsense he'd show her, but every new sketch and idea of a thing he'd build sparked his eyes in a way she hoped would hers, but never did. She didn't have that passion, and maybe that's why she was so attracted to him.

When I get out of here, she thought, I'm gonna marry you. And it was true, she was so ready to hand him a ring, get out of there, maybe join the inklings in the surface world, color a mask on like them. And she got even more upset with herself in the confines of her mind for the simplicity of it all. It was obvious, she thought. She could've done that before all this and nobody would have to die. But Jedd was dead and so was Iza now and there was no turning back. She swallowed her fear and stomached the fact: what was done was done. Regretting it would only slow her down, and she was still alive. So to honor the two souls dead by her hands and hers alone, she vowed to herself to keep living and fighting for what she wanted, in the pursuit of a life with Felix, and maybe, should science allow it -- a family of their own.

The window creaked open. It had been an hour that passed of her hesitating to open it. She remembered the holes she dug, Jedd's limp body flinging around, fighting the merciless gravity.

"Stop that." Felix nagged.

"C'mon, bro. It's not a formal party. It's just breakfast."

Free came out with stacks of pancakes with strawberry syrup. Her apron made her all the more adorable, but she still smelled like swamp. She placed the intimidating stack next to bowls of eggs and toast and doughnuts.

"Must be nice, to be able to cook this food for once." Derek began to grab all kinds of food with his hands, but Felix grabbed them and demanded he'd display manners. Instead, he licked his fingers.


"Ha!" She laughed, sitting down. "It's no trouble. Hmmm..." Her brows were drawn and she pouted a bit. 

"What's wrong? I think your food looks great, by the way."

"Psh!" Derek sneered. "Look at you, so formal! Relax, buddy. You and your crossed arms aren't gonna give ya any more clout, it's just breakfast." His plate was full to the brim with bacon and Danish pastries now. And he ate like such a slob.

"Free, you don't look so good." He sat upright when he realized what he said, his eyes bulging. "Not what I mean, I think you look fantastic! Beautiful, even. The way your tentacles sway, really! Just, you look sad is all I mean. How come?"

"Smooth." Derek whispered.

"It's just we're missing a lot of people. Maybe my food isn't as good as it once was. Which makes sense." She sighed. "I've been alone so long I just got used to eating peanut butter packets all day."

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