Chapter Fifty-Six: Fortuna Guard

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The Fortuna was way bigger than Eric had expected. Granted, he had nothing to compare it to, but he was still in awe at how much space the ship took up in the harbor.

When he and the others reached the end of the dock, they found crew members waiting to help them up the ramp leading inside. Eric did his best to avoid looking at the waves below, but it was impossible to ignore the sound of them crashing against metal. He was tense the entire walk up the ramp.

Eric didn't feel any real relief until the door was closed behind them, shutting out the breeze and the smell of salt. He glanced around while the Newmans moved to the front of the group. They'd entered a small, unfurnished room, with an open door leading to a hallway.

Adam surveyed the space, too, but looked a little too tired to take much notice of anything in particular. Sam moved to lean against a wall. Raveena and the kids she'd brought along were the only ones who seemed to look around with any real interest.

Summer, who'd been unconscious for most of the car ride, leaned on Veronica for support as she tried to shake her grogginess. And Veronica looked more anxious than anything else. Eric had offered to help her walk Summer up the ramp, but Veronica insisted she had enough energy left to lighten Summer's weight.

"You know, I've been thinking about it," Summer said, rubbing her eyes. "I still like the name Point Guard."

"There's not really a Tyche Point left to guard, though," Veronica replied. "And it's still a basketball term."

"Okay, fine," Summer said with a sly smile. "I'll stop calling us that...when someone comes up with something better."

"I'll get right on that." It sounded like Veronica was trying to keep her voice light, but concern was clear on her face. "Maybe something along the lines of Fortuna Guard would be better."

Summer chuckled. "I'll think about it."

Beth stepped forward to help Summer. "I'll get her to the medical wing," she said. "Charles will show you all where your rooms are, and where you can get food. We also have a storage room with some new, clean clothes."

Beth led Summer into the hallway and to the left. Charles, meanwhile, had the kids follow him to the right. They took a few turns that made Eric dizzy—compounded by the rocking beneath them—and ended in a long hallway lined with identical doors.

"This is one of many halls with empty rooms," Charles said. "We called ahead and had the crew prep them. Hopefully, they're big enough for you. You each have your own small bathroom, and the cafeteria is just around the corner at the other end."

Eric selected one of the doors Charles had pointed out and opened it. It was about the size of his room at home, which wasn't much, but still a nice surprise. He'd expected something closer to a closet.

While the others picked out rooms, Charles continued. "We're going to go bring Malcolm in. Raveena, could you come watch? I don't think he's going to try anything at this point, especially because we have so many crew members with us now, but it would make me feel a little better."

"Of course!" Raveena closed the door to her room.

"Where is the cell block, by the way?" Eric asked, stepping back from his own room. "Just curious."

"Don't worry, it's as far from here as you could get, on the lowest level of the ship," Charles said. "Once we have Summer assessed and settled in, we'll show you where the medical wing is, too. And like I said, cafeteria's that way, it's pretty hard to miss." He nodded toward the end of the hall. "Just take a right down there. The storage room Beth mentioned is directly across from it, feel free to help yourselves to anything inside. There are snacks always ready to eat in the cafeteria, and we'll start prepping hot meals in a couple of hours. There's a meal schedule on the wall. Any questions?"

"Do you guys have painkillers?" Sam asked.

Charles nodded. "There's medicine in the storage closet, too."

With that, Charles and Raveena left. The kids scattered, some heading into their rooms, others heading off to check out storage or find food. Sam went to get painkillers, presumably, and Veronica went with him.

"I think I'm going to crash before I do anything else," Adam told Eric. "See you in a few hours."

Eric nodded and watched his brother disappear into his room before turning around. He could go for a nap, too, or maybe some food. Or clean clothes?

Instead of starting with any of that, he began wandering, as if he could outrun the ache squeezing his chest. With no distractions left, nothing to sort out, and no one to talk to, he thought he might drown in his own thoughts.

He wound up stepping through a door onto the main deck of the ship.

Eric forced himself to walk up to the railing. He wrapped his hands around the cold metal and peered over the edge.

The water was dark. Endless. Powerful. He swore he could feel every crashing wave in his chest, threatening to knock him over. He lifted his gaze to the distant horizon, where the setting sun turned the sky orange.

The hair on the back of his neck rose. Something in the air cracked. A tingling sensation rushed over his hands. Eric looked down at where they touched the railing.

Electricity danced between his fingers.

The Pyramid Chronicles: Tyche Point (#1) [MOVING JUNE 30]Where stories live. Discover now