"Bella I'm a cool dad right? I let most things slide because I know I've got a responsible daughter , I don't care if you have a girlfriend.. hell im happy that you have someone who accepts you as the beautiful girl that you are." He started Bella smiled at her fathers compliment

"But that doesn't mean I like hearing my daughter skipped school during lunch period then coming home to have .. se... urgh relations with said girlfriend that's not the responsible daughter I know " he admonished , Bella grimaced at the way her father sounded when he was trying to scold her for skipping school and having uh relations —his cheeks held a red tinge at the topic clearly just as embarrassed as her just thinking about it —she really didn't want her father to be thinking about her having sex with Rosalie or anyone for that matter —it was weird and just borderline creepy.

Apparently she took too long to respond before her continued "did you at least use a condom I'm too young for grandkids Bella"

Bella choked on her spit and and she saw Rosalie hold back a smile, her eyes twinkling with amusement but she also noticed a flash of disappointment before it disappeared.

"Dad we didn't .. we didn't have urgh we didn't have relations okay!? " she protested she saw Rosalie's brow raise she ignored it  because no she didn't need her father to know about her sex life so she wouldn't admit to it —she continued "just made out I guess but also I didn't skip school for that, remember I told you I didn't feel so well yesterday ?"

He nodded then he really looked at his daughters face—her eyes specifically and saw something that wasn't there the last time he saw her which was two days ago.

"Your eyes... what .. huh?"

"Yeah that..." she drawled "Rosalie thought its best I came home and go see her dad, that's what we were about to do" she shrugged, Rosalie shook her head at the lie but Bella knew it was the truth she would see Carlisle after checking her spell books for any answers.

"Does it hurt ?" He asked softly stepping closer to his daughter, he put his hands on her cheeks, tilting her head up as he got a better look at the change.

"No, no it doesn't but I don't know what happened and  I don't think our family has a history with Heterochromia so it's completely left field dad"

He sighed and relented , he looked back to his daughter and girlfriend, "alright I'll get ready then I'll come along with you to the hospital"

Bella shook her head "it's fine dad don't worry I'm sure you're itching to go back to work already" she cut her dad off before he could get in another word.

"I'll call you if Carl— Dr.Cullen finds anything bad I promise, besides I'm sure you'll just work yourself up while we're sitting there in a hospital room full of sock people " she clarified.

"When did you learn to act so grown up?" He sighed resignedly  and slumped into his arm chair.

"Eh.. probably when Renee decided it was a good idea to let a 10 year old kid manage her bills"


In the car Rosalie questioned Bella when she clearly didn't follow the route to the hospital, Instead drove toward the Cullen home.

"I thought we're going to see Carlisle ?"

"We are, but before we see him I need to do some research of my own plus I need to talk to your family about Victoria, who seemingly vanished into thin air" she said pursing her lips in thought. She would ignore the Jacob issue for now, at least until she discussed what Victoria's disappearance could possibly mean.

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