Chapter.2 Bound to run

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Chapter 2.

My tasks kept me awake well into the night becoming difficult with out the use of my left hand.

Everything was quiet and i could hear my pack talking near by as  i eventually crawled into my blankets under the cabin fell sleep 

I was running through the forest enjoying the feeling the utter joy of my wolf at being free to run. My ears prick and i come to a halt sniffing the air, Pray whispers wolf , following her lead we trail the smell until i see it in a grove of trees. I crouched and watch as a Doe gracefully lowered its head to eat, i crawl forward stalking my prey, readying to pounce when i heard a soft bleating whipping my head to the left i see a Bambi stumble through the trees. Pray ours my wolf hisses. Kill. i shake my head. Cubs. I slowly crawl backward out of hearing and take off  sprinting to the river. I gulp down water and lie on the bank and rest closing my eyes and resting my head on my paws and just listening to the forest life...........

I drifted till i felt something touch my fur, i shot up like a bullet growling at....nothing i shook my head in confusion there was nothing just the quiet woodlands... it was too quiet i growled again with putting in as much menace as i could and i must say if i didn't know it was me i would scared myself but still there was nothing. I lay back down closing my eyes but using all my other senses to keep alert.

"who are you?"

my eyes snap open but there is no one, then i hear it again

"who are you, where are you here?"

I jump up and growl spinning around to keep my back to the bank of the river. My sense search for the speaker of the voice but there is no one....

I hear wolf howling in the distance in warning

This time my eyes really did snap open as i awaken to sound of my pack being attacked, all around me i could hear, yelps and howls of pain from different pack members. I scramble from beneath the cabin, my instincts screaming to help my pack, Protect my wolf hisses, kill, hunt.

I stood and watched in horror as i saw a big dark gray wolf attack a reddish brown wolf that i recognized as our beta who has pinned a smaller darker brown wolf , i look on as Bane was take down and  then was ripped  Limb form Limb as he whimpered and whinned in pure and utter agony, his attacker let out a triumphant howl before then moving on to the next target i stood there unable to move, i didn't want to watch anymore but it was like a car crash you know whats going to happen at the very last second but you just cant seem to tear your eye away from it and are unable to prevent it. I suddenly ran at the fence keeping me prisoner as i watch the light fade from banes eyes. I may not love or even like my pack but they where mine and they where all i had and all i had ever known my instincts told me to fight. I felt a shock of electricity run through my body as i am thrown back against the cabin, smacking my head hard as i fall. I watch stunned at the chaos that irrupts before me. My pack was losing many close to death many more injured and maimed. I let out a broken howl of agony and grief as i watch my pack retreat and run, leaving me. I dash and return to my hiding spot under the cabin hoping that in the madness that was, no one had seen me. I curled in a ball gently rocking myself trying to find some sense of calm.


Our pack Ran through the tree's silently making our way toward the intruding pack, My father had left it two long, He should have thrown them off our land years ago when they first arrived.... But no all we heard was they're traveling people they'll move on when it suites them and that we should show them kindness. Yet they had stayed and they showed no kindness when they attacked one of our she-wolf''s and left her for dead. I let a snarl escape my lip as i remember seeing Lannie all beaten and bruised barely even conscious when we found her, whimpering from the pain she was in. I let my rage simmer growing stronger. A very fanged smile crossed my face at the thought of taking revenge, My wolf howled in agreement and we push further to catch up with the rest of the pack.

As we got closer to the enmey's packs main clearing we slowed, to crawl over a bank to lay in wait for the Alpha command, we made sure we where down wind so they couldn't smells us before the signal was sent. We sat and watched everyone readying for the attack.

"Simon any sign of their Alpha?"

"No but their betas that big beefy guy to you left" He sends back through the pack link, I take a look registering the short looking body builder.

"How about the others?"

I wait a moment in silence till i hear the rest of the pack join in. "No but there's movement on the east side though I'm keeping my eye on.i.."Caleb was abruptly caught off by Jake

"dudes are you seeing this guy? hes like the smallest guy ever with all that muscles shivers so fucking creepy looking" we all mentally laugh at Jake's out burst.

"oh come on look at him!"

"yea just like you to notice his body first Jake" Caleb reply's snidely "oh hell to the no, Just because i like guys sooo doesn't make that suitable.....Ever like never ever!, I like girls too you idiot" I chuckle as Jake's dark chocolate brown wolf rolls its eyes. I sigh to my self waiting for my father to take out the perimeter wolfs.

"Enough you two, cut it out we're here to work" i look at the pack to make sure they were ready Simon's tan wolf kept his eye's glued to the clearing while Caleb's black wolf kept his ears pricked and had his eyes closed listening closely to our surroundings while Jake sat there like a puppy wagging his tail.

"You do know you ant a dog, right Jake?" he looks over at me and shrugs like its normal to wag your tail this time its my turn to role my eyes at him.

A  howl of a wolf in the distance and we're on the move, we're hoping to draw most of the pack away toward the the howl circling them and closing them off while the rest of us attack the rest of the pack and hopefully take out the Alpha. We should have done this along time ago.My wolf growls softly in agreement. In a flash the fight was on. I headed for an enforcer- a Gamma wolf and before he new what hit him i had him pinned to the ground to biting on his wind pipe till he passed out my wolf may want to kill him but he may have had no choice in what was happening the Alpha rule was law, fighting causes great pain. I waited till he was out for the count then got up and hunted for their Alpha, he was a coward of a he refused all our summons and always sent an older member of the pack thinking he would get away sacrifice some of his weaker links in his pack, very stupid man now we were just pissed  and out for pay back. No one should treat their pack this way i growl low in disgust.

I was searching through the wolfs when i heard a mental whimper that was quickly cut off.

"Simon who's not answering mental calls?"I waited a short pause before Simon my second answer.

"Every ones called in but Jake" My wolf groans and i quickly retrace my steps and follow Jake's scent further into the clearing and spotted him being attacked by a much bigger red wolf.

"Jake i need you to stay calm for me OK, Do not panic i need you to play dead for me and let him pin you" i watched as Jake's eyes widened as he see's me creeping up behind his attacker that i quickly recognize as the beta. Jake let out a whimper and lowered himself to the ground, i waited until his attacker move to get a better hold and pounce form behind tearing out Jake's attackers throat, i let my anger go as my wolf take over as every thing became a red haze.

Sorry it took me so long to upload the next part i've been ill anyways Please leave a comment telling me what you think oh and i'm thinking of making chatpers smaller so i could upload more often anyways tell me what you'd prefer


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