"Is this a challenge? Are you challenging me? I'll win."

"You will not, I never lose," Amara raised her chin. "Twenty bucks you don't make it to the end of the wedding without touching me."

"Fifty and I won't for the rest of the day."

She pondered it for a moment. "You're on."

"Amara?" A familiar voice asked from behind. She turned her head at the sound and froze in her spot. "Oh my God."

"Holy shit." Amara rose to her feet instantly and wrapped her old friend in a hug. "Logan, what are you doing here?"

"My girlfriend invited me," she explained. Amara glanced around for Payton, confused to how they linked. "No, not her. We uh... we broke up a while ago. Her family wanted her back at Europe, but we'd kinda been distant before that anyway. The hot blonde one in the bridesmaid dress."

"Oh," Amara breathed out, turning to Lip who was looking between the two of them. She smugly dropped an arm on his shoulder and felt him stiffen beneath her. "Well, this is Lip."

Logan cocked her head. "Wow. I didn't know you got back together."

His confusion grew on his face. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Wow," she glared at Amara. "You haven't told him about me."

"Oh, I have, but he does that man thing that whenever you start talking about something he just zones out."

"I don't do that," Lip defended, and she patted his shoulder. She watched his jaw clench. "So you're dating Tami?"

It was Amara's turn to be confused. "Who is Tami?Actually, I'm totally lost."

"Tami is Cami's sister," Lip explained, reaching out to grab her hand before reeling it back. She bit down a smirk. "She was the one who ran in here late. We met when I was out for a smoke."

"I graduated college last spring," Logan said, shrugging. "My mom had a job opportunity down here, and I came with her because I didn't want her to be alone since my dad is still a professor in New York. So, here I am. I met Tami at the beginning of summer, and we hit it off. We're already looking for apartments together. Are you in the military or something?" Her question was directed at Lip. "Whats with your hair?"

Amara hid her snort behind her hand. "Told you. You look more like an army solider than Carl."

"Hey guys," a blonde girl walked over to them, her sparkly pink dress dragging behind her. Amara assumed this was Tami. "Can you believe Cami boycotted all the alcohol? That bitch, here, I stowed some away in my purse."

"Sharesies," Logan demanded, taking the flask from her and downing it. She offered some to Amara, who shook her head. "Your loss. Lip?"

"Nah, I'm good," Lip was still looking at the flask as if it hurt him not to be able to grab it. "I'm in AA."

Tami scoffed and took another sip. "I cannot be at any event like this. You're stronger than I ever will be. Come on, Logan. Let's go shake our asses on some of those old guys over there." Tami shimmied her shoulders. "Maybe they can be our sugar daddies."

Amara laughed as she watched the couple stride off onto the dance floor, and decided that she liked Tami.

Silvia bombarded them at the front door. "Please tell me you brought back cupcakes. Please, please."

"Jesus Christ you freak," Amara snickered and handed her the take home bag. "Here."

"Ooh, come on Xan, I'll even share them with you," Silvia winked at her and the two girls disappeared into the living room.

Amara turned to Lip, who was shutting the door behind them. He titled his head quizzically. "You coming over for dinner tonight?"

"Nah," she dropped her purse onto the counter. "I've gotta shower and then get back to writing. They want the article done by tomorrow."

His gaze lingered on her legs, she smirked and leaned against a wall so her dress would hike up slightly more. He narrowed his eyes. "You're not making this easier."

"That's the point."

Lip stared a moment longer before calling down the hallway for Xan. "I'm still going to win," he told her. "Much easier not to touch you when you're not baiting me."

Xan stepped into the kitchen a moment later. Amara was playing with the hem of her dress, suppressing the smirk that was trying to form when Lip pointedly turned away. "See you later Mara!" Xan waved goodbye, and Amara watched as they both walked outside. Disappointed didn't even cover how she was feeling. She was going to lose fifty fucking dollars.

After slipping off her dress and stepping into the shower, she closed her eyes and let the warm water run down her bare body. It wasn't until she heard the curtain slide open that she snapped her head in the direction of the sound. Amara brushed her damp hair out of her face, only slightly surprised to see Lip.

Huh, maybe she wasn't going to be losing any money after all.

"Can I help you?" She questioned, swallowing as she watched his gaze drift over her. She stared expectedly at him.

He looked reluctant, as if it were paining him, but then he sighed. "Fuck, I hate losing."

Amara smirked. "What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," he paused. "Can I?"

"Only if you accept that I win."

"I already have," he shrugged off his tux and stepped into the tub. Amara watched as he neared closer. "Guess I owe you fifty bucks."


i actually love tami so much that's my BABY!!! she's so overhated for absolutely no reason. n e way bicon i said what i said idc

also sry for the smut cut off HAHAHA i didn't feel like writing it but dw there will be more detailed ones in the future so don't get too disappointed

HARD TIMES ━ lip gallagher²Where stories live. Discover now