Little Red Riding Hood

Start from the beginning

"So it's true!" he yelled. "Miss Honeydrops said she saw the two of you together! What is the meaning of this!" I knew she would tattle on us.

"I was walking the market with Peter since my health has gotten better. He invited me to do so," I calmly explained and tried to pushed Peter away from the danger zone. Robin had steam coming out of his ears as he looked between the two of us. "Was this just a walk, or was it a walk? Which? Which was it?" he crossed his arms. The muscles he had gained from hunting bulged and Peter walked back slowly.

"Why are you so upset? I can't walk outside now?" I crossed my arms too.

"Well not with- with a boy! And especially not one of the hunters!"

"Why not? You go out with Marian. In fact, you were just out with her tonight too, weren't you? Admit it, Robin."

"What I have with Marian is different from you and Peter-"

"How so? How do you know? Perhaps Peter and I could be each other's halves!" Robin did not look pleased. He was fuming. He grabbed me and pulled me inside the house, slamming the door, but not before yelling at Peter, "And you! Stay away from my sister!"

"You and Peter are not each others' halves. I know so," Robin let go of my hand.

"Who are you to say? If you say Marian is your half, then why can't Peter be mine? Just because you disapprove, doesn't mean-"

"That's exactly what it means! I forbid you to ever think that you and Peter can be together-"

"You can't forbid me! Who are you to-"

"I'm your brother. And as your brother, I have every right to tell you not to be around other boys!"

"Fine, if that's how it's going to be, I say you stay away from Marian!" Robin looked stupefied at my demand. "What don't you like about Marian?"

"What don't you like about Peter?"



"Quiet you two!" Mama intervened and grabbed both of us by our cheeks, squishing it hard. The both of us yelped like injured puppies. When she finally let go, we were rubbing our swollen cheeks. "The two of you are yapping like animals. It's night time! Go to bed. We will settle this in the morning!"

I huffed and went to stomp up the staircase but someone was standing and blocking my way. "Mama, can you move-" it was Marian. She was wearing a pink nightgown whilst waiting for Robin. I stared, mouth open, at her. "What are you doing here?"

"Robin invited me in," she said.  "Is everything alright? I heard quite a heated argument going on downstairs."

I pushed past her, not answering her question and got ready for bed. I left my window slightly ajar, case the Blackbird raven wished to fly in again. I grumbled and tossed and turned in bed. Today was not my day. I went on an awkward walk with Peter, had an argument with Robin, and Marian was staying the night.


"The two of you will take turns to talk out your differences," Mama mediated the two of us. Sitting behind her, was Marian. As if that wasn't bad enough, she and Robin kept making goo-goo eyes and blowing kisses every five seconds. With the number of times I rolled my eyes, I was surprised my eyeballs hadn't fallen out of my sockets yet.

"Robin, you may start," Mama opened the floor to him.

"Good. Red, as your brother, I only want what's best for you. You're still young. You don't know anything about falling in love. I'm only trying to help you. Peter is not a bad guy, but you aren't ready for a romantic relationship yet." He said everything so calmly with a gentle smile. I wanted to wipe it off. 

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