Chapter 1

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I groaned and shoved my head back into the pillow. Today was going to be my first day at Rockwell High. A very big and Rich school in America. I sat up and looked out the window. I got up and dressed in a white turtle neck and a baby blue tartan pleated skirt and brushed my light, chestnut brown hair out of the way. I stopped and looked into the mirror with bleary eyes. I had pale skin, nearly white and my eyes were a delicate shade of violet. People back at my old school always used to call me a freak because of my unnatural eye colour. My body was way to curvy for my liking and my almond-shaped eyes looked too perfect just like my full lips. My mum had once said that no matter how you turn, you're still the same.

"Chloe! It's time for school! We're late!" My sister yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Wait what? I was nearly late? I checked the time. My hand flew up in horror and my eyes widened. No way. I was never late. The clock said 7:40. I tore down the stairs jammed my lunchbox in my bag. Nope. Nothing missing. I ran out the door and jumped onto the bus with Alice, my sister.

"What's up with you today? You're never late." Alice frowned looking at me up and down. I smoothed my hair and my crumpled turtle neck.

"I-I was nervous." Damn it! I couldn't come up with a good excuse. But Alice saw straight through the lie.

"It's going to be okay Chlo." Alice squeezed my hand gently, to assure me. Was it? Well, I was about to find out.

At school, I asked the kind, blonde receptionist about my classroom.

"Lost Honey?" She flashed a brilliant smile as I nodded, "ok. Hmm... Lets see. Grade 11? I presume you are 16 to 17 years old?''

"17 years old." I said confirming the fact. The receptionist nodded absently and gave me a class schedule. I hurriedly thanked her and continued across the hall. I reached my class in time to hear a clear, male voice announce my name.

"Here!" I said stumbling in. My face enflamed when all heads swerved to looked at me. A pretty, strawberry blonde girl and her friends started whispering and glaring at me disdainfully as the boys swarmed around to help me to a desk. I saw a particular boy in the seat next to me, see my eyes and have a sharp intake of breath.

"Hello Chloe," said the teacher, "I'm Mr. Jones." I nodded in acknowledgment and started to take my things out of my bag. There was a murmur of voices and somebody tapped me on the back. I looked up to see a girl with chocolate brown hair and olive-tinted skin. 

"Hi. I'm Thalia. I'll be showing you around the school." I smiled. Maybe she could become my friend. I noticed her eyes. They were like mine! The only fact were that hers were a minty green. She looked at me in the eyes and gasped. What? Did she think of me as a freak? Thalia opened her laptop in a swift motion and opened her emails. She started typing furiously and looking at me now and then. I had a sickening feeling that stabbed me in the gut over and over. 


Hi guys!

I hope you liked my first chapter although its very short, I took a really long time to do this one because the whole time I was thinking about what I should add.

Anyways, Toodles!


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