Forbidden encounter

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It was a sultry airless Monday morning, one mads had been dreading ever since last weeks occurrence.
Troubled at thought mads threw her green hair into a messy ratty ponytail as she walked on forward facing her mirror.
"Life is a cruel existence filled with excruciating pain and suffering"
she whispered under her breath as she begun to apply her bulky black eyeliner.
Her lifeless eyes grew restless as she pondered on the nightmare that was last night.
Her nostrils where still red from snorting what she at the time thought was Cocaine.
Out of breath, she paces down the stairs confidently killing any being that gutted to appear on her path.
"oi oi good lad"
She yells at her bestest friend, her sole real
Her green frog Fredrick.
walking through the gates with apathy as if they where the gates of Satan's garden (hell), she stumbled upon a rock and fell.
"Now that I am down, I shall not get up until I find a constant cause for my existence"
how edgey may I add
"Mads is that you?!!"
A familiar voice emerges form the crowed of distorted sounds and faces,
"Ti...tianna?" She questioned
"Are you okay cmon let's get you inside, oh and about last night, let's just keep it between the sheets"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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