"well the gates open at 12 pm, and it ends at 5 am. I normally leave home at 11:30 and return home at 3-4" I told her, walking her to her station. 

"alright! Tonight, by the station at 11:00?" She asked, as she stopped on her platform. I nodded and hugged her a goodbye as she boarded on her train. I sprinted up the steps and threw my board down, skating back home to get my bag so I wouldn't be late. I had around 1 and a half hours, but I needed to get to school early because the year head teacher wanted to talk to me. I skated through the campus and got off as I entered through the front doors. I changed my shoes into in door shoes and walked over to the teacher's lounge. I knocked on the door, and waited for a reply. 

The door slid open, and there stood our year head. He noddd towards me and turned around, walking back into the room. I followed after him and stood by his desk as he sat down, taking a sip from his coffee. 

"Now, do you know why I called you here?" He asked, setting his cup down. I shook my head and looked at him confusedly. I always handed my work in early, and I was top 3 in the class. I couldn't have done anything wrong. 

"Well, you haven't been following the dress code-" He started. oh

"Neither had Reki! He's only been wearing the blazer on top of his sw-"

"I'm not talking about Mr. Kyan. I am talking about you. You should be wearing the skirt the school provides. This school is about unity, and we cannot fulfil what the school is about if you aren't following what makes the school what it is" He cut me off as I did him. I gaped at him as he waved towards my sweatpants, implying that I shouldn't be wearing them. 

"So you want me to wear skirts instead of pants? Because it divides the school, and the school spirit? We wear blazers for that specific reason, sir" I argue. 

"I have made my point final. You may leave" He said, dismissing me off. I stared at him furiously as I stormed out of the classroom. I threw my board down and skated through the hallway until I reached my homeroom. I kicked the door down, and walked through with a scowl. People were already there, and my eyes caught sight of Reki and Langa in the back. I walked over to my desk and flopped down, letting out a loud groan which I didn't realise I held. 

"What's gotten your panties all in a knot?" Reki asked, looking up from his skating magazines. 

"I have to wear fucking skirts! How am I supposed to skate if I'm wearing those short ass skirt?" I hissed as I brushed my hand through my hair, aggravated . 

"Just like wear those long skirts or something" Reki shrugged. 

"They would get tangled in the wheels" I shot the idea down. 

"Wear leggings under" He tried again. 

"Too hot, maybe for the winter" I sighed. 

"Wear shorts under" Langa offered. I stopped and looked at him surprised. 

"Like spandex?" I asked again. He nodded, causing me to groan. 

"But they're so uncomfy! They're too tight and it goes up into my cooch" I whined. 

"it's that or just regular sports shorts" Langa sighed, flicking my forehead. I whimpered in my seat, not ready for Monday. We sat up straight as our homeroom teacher came into our classroom, getting ready for the register. School dragged on longer than it should have, causing me to think about what could have gotten me so excited for the end of school Throughout the day, I thought long and hard. During the last period, I finally got it. I grinned excitedly and flipped around in my eat to speak to Reki. 

"Sakura is coming with us to S" I whispered excitedly. 

"You got her a sticker?" Reki whispered back. I nodded and hummed excitedly. He grinned at me while wiggling his brows. I scowled at him and flipped him off playfully. He snickered and slapped my arm so I would turn back around to face the front. I heard Reki share the news with Langa in a hushed voice as well. I turned around and nodded towards Langa who was staring at me for confirmation. He smiled softly at me and nodded. 

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