Chapter 2--Steve | EDITED

Start from the beginning

Tony laughed. "No, not me and Natasha. Nothing happened between us besides some harmless flirting—mostly from her. Which brings me to the point I'm trying to make here. Natasha has a way about her that makes you want to know what's under that badass exterior."

I raised my eyebrows. "Does Pepper kno—"

"Geez, not like that, Cap. Not anymore anyway."

"Then get to the point." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"The point is that this is what Natasha does. She reels you in, makes you want to know more, makes you want her more. That's what makes her a good spy. That's what makes her a good member of this team. She does her job well."

"I know she does," I said, a little annoyed. "I'm not interested in her like that and even if I was, nothing can happen because she's otherwise involved with that guy Devin albeit for a mission."

"I get it, I do. All I'm saying is, if you go down that road, be careful."

"Thanks, Tony," I said, not fully certain what his point was. Did Tony think Natasha was flirting with me? Was I really going to take dating advice from the world's most arrogant playboy?

He nodded, and we made our way to the couches to rejoin the group. In the main room, I found Natasha sitting next to Clint.

We locked eyes for a brief second before I went to sit next to Sam, who gave an odd look in Natasha's direction and then back to me. He raised his eyebrows but I shook my head. This wasn't the time to get into anything.

"Alright everyone, let's talk strategy," Tony said.

All conversations stopped and all eyes focused on Tony as he pulled up the task spreadsheet on the projector.

"I'll be in the lab working on the prototypes for new armor. Sam, I need you and Rhodey to talk with our team in Wakanda and see if they have any updates for us. The kid is out there with Shuri, probably causing all sorts of trouble, but he is one of our best and youngest assets. And he gets high school credit so I guess that's a bonus too. Clint, you're going to be leading archery training this afternoon, so you have the morning free. Nat, you know your undercover assignment. Cap, you're with Wanda in the training room."

"And what about your brilliant wife?" Pepper asked.

Tony smiled at her. "You get to help manage the arrival of Thor and Jane this afternoon."

Pepper consulted a tablet device. "Oh! That reminds me. Jane called and said she won't be joining Thor after all. There was some sort of scientific convention in Vienna that she wanted to attend at the last minute with Darcy, so it'll just be Thor."

"Let's just make sure he keeps his hammer on the first floor. We don't need any more holes in the wall," Tony said.

Once the projector was off, everyone got up and dispersed to go their separate ways. That is, everyone except for me.

"Nat, wait up," I called after Natasha, looking around to make sure no one else was listening.

"What's up?"

"Did you get my note?" I asked. "About the rematch?"

She nodded, her eyes focused on a spot somewhere behind me. "Yes. Hey, can we talk about this later?" Her fingers clasped my arm gently. "I'm sorry, but I really need to go."

"Yeah, sure thing." The look in her eyes told me she was mildly distracted by something, and I knew Natasha well enough to let her be when her mind was working like that. I knew very little about her current assignment as was protocol. We only knew what we needed to know so Natasha could keep her cover.

And what I knew is that most nights while Natasha stayed here, she had an apartment a few blocks from downtown purchased in an alias of hers. A new alias, from what I could tell. Any time she answered to the name Isabel, her nose scrunched in annoyance.

Then there was Devin, the boyfriend. I was surprised she told me as much as she did about him, but it seemed like she was keeping him at arm's length. I wondered if that was maybe so she didn't feel like she could get attached.

Or deep down maybe you want her to feel the same way about you as you feel about her.

I shook away the thought. Devin wasn't really her boyfriend, but he was one very dangerous reason that Natasha and I could not work right now.


After the team meeting—and confirming with Nat about our evening arrangements—I changed and took the stairs down to the training room. Wanda was already waiting for me.

"What are we learning today?" she asked, pulling her hair into a ponytail.

"Basic combat procedure," I replied. "You remember what Nat taught you?"

She nodded. "Let's go."

We stood on the mat facing one another. I swung out my left fist, and she countered, twisting my arm. I took that opportunity to flip her onto the mat.

Wanda grunted. I helped her to her feet.

"Go again. This time, plant your feet," I instructed.

We reset. She did a roundhouse kick, and I ducked. I swung out my arm again, and she ducked, swiping her leg and catching me off guard.

"Good." I sat up. "Remember to keep your eyes on me. If you take your gaze off of your opponent, they can easily counter and get the upper hand."

Wanda nodded. "Got it."

We repeated the exercise. Again. And again. And again. Each time, Wanda slowly improved. She kept her powers at bay, which was the point of the exercise. We didn't have the resources to train her in using her powers more effectively for combat here in San Francisco.

"One more set and then we can call it," I told her an hour later. "Try keeping your hands out of your line of sight. It'll help with anything coming at you in your peripheral vision."

She nodded. "Bring it on."

I swung my fist, and Wanda dodged out of my way. She swept her leg to try and catch me off guard, but I sidestepped and kicked my leg up. She ducked, I countered.

"Come on!" I urged.

Another swing at me—I grabbed her fist and flipped her. She groaned and thrust her arms out toward me, red energy spilling from her fingertips.

My mind went fuzzy, my hands responding to her attacks as if underwater. I blinked, and an image of a girl with red hair running flashed into my mind. The girl laughed then turning to me, she smiled.

Tell me how you feel about me, Steve. Her voice floated over me, every bit as teasing and taunting as I would expect. The image of Natasha walked forward and cupped my face in its hands. Tell me you love me.

"End!" I called out, signaling her a time-out motion. "Wanda, what did I say about your powers?"

"Sorry. I lost control for a second." She paused. "But, can I ask you something?"

"What?" I picked up the boxing tape and wrapped my hands.

"Why were you thinking about Natasha just now?"

I snapped to attention. "What?" She could hear that? Or maybe that was the result of her powers. We knew she could show us our desires. Except, Natasha wasn't exactly a desire.

Wanda took a step back. "I just—you were—uh, never mind. Back to the mat?"

My nostrils flared. "Stay out of my head, Wanda. Next time, I won't go so easy on you."

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