"There's nobody there." He says and shakes his head in confusion.
        "There is, but only I can see her. My name is (Y/n) (L/n), I'm not supposed to be part of this world yet somehow I am. I woke up in Sakura's body, her in mine. I don't understand it yet, but I'm trusting you and you can't tell anyone else." You explain and he nods.
        "Shouldn't you at least tell the Hokage?" He questions and you shrug.
        "I guess, but can you please help me learn to use chakra and do normal ninja stuff? I can find anything I want about what will happen, me being here might and will likely change some things, but I need to know how to protect myself so I can better use this information."
        "How do you find this information out?" 
        "In my world there's a book about yours, all the way up until you're an old man and it continues from there." 
        "I see, why should I believe you?"
        "I have no reason to lie to you, especially since I'm asking you for help. I don't know why I'm here or how to get home but, while I exist in your world, I may as well do my best to better the world right? Prevent as many deaths as I possibly can?" He seems to think about it, you didn't have much reason for him to trust you. "Sakura, poke him or something." 
        "Just so he knows there's actually someone there, you know?" 
        "Okay..." She concentrates and removes one of the bells from their place around his hip. He watches it move until it falls into your open hand. 
        "I can't prove that was Sakura but at least you know there's someone there right?" 
        "I will believe you, for now." 
        "Thank you," the relief is pretty obvious in your voice and you don't bother hiding it. "What if other people get suspicious, what do I say?"
        "I suppose tell them you have a weird kekkei genkai?"
        "That's unrealistic, we don't have one." Sakura speaks up. 
        "There are no kekkei genkai in the Haruno family." 
        "Actually, in the Haruno family there have been some with strange abilities. The Hokage has decided to classify them as a kekkei genkai, even though they are never the same and it's not even close to being a blood line trait." He says and Sakura frowns, why classify them as a kekkei genkai if its not?
        "I've never heard of that." She said in awe, a hint of annoyance mixed with it.
        "Sakura's never heard of it." You tell him and he chuckles.
        "Of course not, like I said they were strange and the Haruno family didn't want word about it getting out. I'll tell you more later, but you should get back to your team." He said hurriedly before disappearing, leaving you alone.
        "Lets go," you hear Sakura say and you turn back towards where Duckie and Fishy wait. "What's with those nicknames though? They're kinda weird." She says and you stop walking.
        "Weird, what do you mean weird?" You whisper yell at her and she flinches away.
        "Sorry, but Fishy is kinda a weird nickname......" She trails off and you sigh.
        "I guess it is a little fishy, but I'm making these up as I go along. So should I give him a new nickname then?" You question and she shrugs.
        "What about whiskers, he has those strange whisker things on his cheeks." She points out.
        "They aren't strange, they're kinda adorable. That and it has to be an animal nickname." You say and she sighs this time.
        "Doesn't that sound weird."
        "To girly, maybe Hinata would work for that."
         "Fine, be picky." She says as she puffs her cheeks.
        "I will," you reply and then take off running towards your team mates. Flopping on the green grass you flash the two a grin. "What's up?"
        "Hn," Duckie replies and looks away.
        "Kura, what did Kakashi sensei want?" Naruto asks worriedly.
        "That old man? He wanted to know why the two of you were so dumb." You teased and Naruto's face scrunched up.
        "I'm not dumb, believe it." He exclaimed and Sasuke made a weird noise.
        "You know what Naruto? I don't think I will believe it," You said and stuck your tongue out at him. He growled before launching himself at you, making the two of you fall onto Sasuke. Somehow you ended up sitting on top of the two, Sasuke struggling to push the both of you off. Sasuke kicks Naruto and you to the ground, Naruto now sitting on top of you. Someone sighs, gaining everyone's attention.
        "I suppose you pass, although I wonder how Naruto got untied..." he said suspiciously.
        "Naruto was tied to something?" You ask confused and he rubs the back of his neck, chuckling softly.
        "Sasuke helped me!" He shouted seriously and pointing at the dark haired Uchiha.
        "That's because you wouldn't shut up." Sasuke retaliated and Kakashi sweat-dropped.
        "You guys are quick to sell each other out." You commented and all argument died down. Kakashi shook his head.
        "Well, at least you helped him." He started and you snapped your fingers.

        "Let's go get food, Kitty's treat." 

        "Later, first we have something to do Sakura."

        "What are you doing to be doing with Sakura, sensei?"

        "Oh, I asked him to train me. One-on-one since when you two are around nothing gets done." You say, waving them away. You do hope Kakashi can help you out a bit with that but an explanation is your priority. 

        "Yep, go on. Go celebrate being ninja with your friends," the two of them leave without further argument. 

        "Yes, tell the two kids with no friends to celebrate." You shake your head at him but get serious pretty quickly.

        "Tell me more about these random Kekkai Genkai's," you demand politely and sit crisscross apple sauce on the ground. He closes his book and sighs, shifting uncomfortably on the wooden post.
        "You're- I mean Sakura's great grandfather was able to stretch his right arm for up to five feet, his grandmother could sing and plants grew faster. Her great aunt could breathe smoke like air. None of those people were ninja or even tried to be, these were just things they could do. Usually in the most inconvenient times." He says simply with a shrug.
        "Real helpful Kitty, but I need real information. Like something that can help me." You dismiss what he'd already said.
        "Sakura's mother can turn into a flower."
        "What?" You asked to make sure you heard him right.
        "She has an ability, Sakura having an ability also is rare yet very possible. Tell me if anything strange, other then being in her body, happens okay?" So you could blame this on Sakura then?

        "What else can you tell me?"

        "Not much, what else can you tell me?"
        "I don't have much to tell you yet, anything you want to know?"        
        "What were you last doing your world?" 
        "I did my homework, watched some tv, listened to some music, and then went to sleep."
        "Nothing out of the ordinary happened?"
        "Nope, nothing." 

        "Hmm, I have an idea but I'm not sure yet. I'll check it out and get back to you."

        "Just tell me what it is," you say irritated that he's keeping secrets about something so important.
        "After, I'll get on it right away. Bye Sakura." He said before disappearing.
        "What's his problem?" Sakura asked and you sighed.         
        "Who knows, I'd like to know what he's thinking but I suppose as long as it helps me get home in the end."
        "What are you going to do now? Wasn't he supposed to teach you some things?"
        "Oh crab nuggets, now what do I do?" 
        "I could try to teach you I suppose..."
        "You are really smart, okay. Teach me to light myself on fire Sakura."
        "First, let's go over everything I've learned in the academy."
        "That sounds really boring though."        
        "So does being dead, let's begin with the definition of what chakra is..." Ugh. 

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