Tom laughed with her. It was a sweet memory, she didn't want to forget. Couldn't.
"We would go home late and I would fall asleep on the way back, so they would take me piggyback and let me sleep," she added, smiling and laying down. "Now, it's your turn."

"What do you wanna hear?" he asked, laying down too. They looked up at the sky. It was beautiful. The stars were shining and the moon was so bright. There weren't any clouds.
Everything was clear. Everything was just right and it felt right, amazing.

"Everything," she chuckled. "Tell me, what had happened this week."
"Not much." He put an arm behind his head. "I got my exams back, As and Bs."
"Well, that's nothing new. You're pretty intelligent." She looked over to him, smiling behind the cloth, but he saw it.

"Well, thank you. Though my mum would say it's all because of her education," he said, making her laugh out.
"I can imagine that."

"Otherwise, Mr. Hartz is keeping my exam for more than five weeks now. How long can it take to correct twenty Latin exams? It's the freaking same text."
"I don't know either. They need forever," she agreed.
"Freaks me out not knowing."
"I can relate, but I'm sure you did great," she reassured him.
"All thanks to you then. I wouldn't have made it without your help."

Tom looked at her and kissed her forehead.
"Liar. You knew everything. I don't get why you wanted my help," she accused him and he laughed.
"Maybe, I just wanted to hear your voice and I like spending time with you too much." He propped himself up on one elbow and brushed back a strand of her blue hair. He smiled and then sat up. She did too.

"Tell me about Britney? How are things going since you've got a girlfriend?" she asked a while later.
"Bad. She doesn't believe me and keeps annoying me and my friends. She's always around. Even trying to make me break up with my non-existing girlfriend."
"Well, that's bad. As soon as I've got an idea I'll tell you.

They became silent again and she leaned against his shoulder.
However, it didn't stay that way for long.
"Rose?" he spoke.
"Yeah." She didn't move.
"I have to tell you something." Well, that made her move. He was serious, so it had to be really important what he was about to tell her.

She sat up straight, looking at him, and giving him all her attention.
"I can't keep telling you to risk and not do it myself. What a role model I would be."
"Like a parent. Do as I say, not as I do," she answered and he chuckled.
"Wow, then I definitely messed up." He took a deep breath.

"No, but I need to risk it and tell you. I just have to." He didn't ask for it, but she slipped her hand in his that lay in his lap. Squeezing it and telling him, that whatever it was, it would be okay.
Tom looked at her, a soft smile on his lips as he brushed back another strand of hair.
His hand touching her cheek, even if it was above the cloth, felt so right. Felt so good.

"We've known each other for so long now and since the day I met you, I felt connected to you. I knew we belonged together and you just proved me right over the years. There is something magical about you and you have pulled me into your ban and I don't wanna ever leave. You're the most precious to me and I can't lose you. I fell for you. I fell for you hard." He chuckled, he moved her heart.

"I love being around you, talking to you, texting you, thinking about you, because it's like you're my heart. You're the one who keeps me alive, gives me strength to live. I love seeing you smile, how you shut your eyes when you laugh. I love your eyes, the violet ones and the blue ones. I love how strong you stay, though you've been through hell. You're everything I need. You're the one making me happy." He took a deep breath for his next words, she kind of knew what he wanted to say, but she couldn't believe it.

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